So after a rediculously long hiatus from Live Journal I have returned. A small change at work now gives me, more or less, unlimited internet time. HURRAY! Pity there is no way for me to play World of Warcraft at work.
So what do I type about on Live Journal now? I think only Rusty and James still use Live Journal. I would start a Facebook if it was'nt blocked at work but it would appear that this is the only place I can truly blog besides the Strategic Crossroad. So lets get on with the specific topics that may or may not be of interrest to my 2 readers...
My poker gaming has been going well for me since I last blogged. Since I started playign poker 2 years ago I am currently up $1560, which is a lot better than I can say for many of the other players in my group. Sometimes I wonder just how much money Keith, Chad, and Martin have lost playing poker. I know if I lost the kind of money they did Pam would probably force me to quit the game. I remember when I went on vacation to see my parent recently she was complaining to my dad that I like to play poker to much. He actually defending my gambling since I was turning a profit by playing the game. She has'nt bothered me about it since.
This last Saturday we had a game as we usually do every two weeks. I felt I played a strong game for the first hour or so then I made a big mistake that cost me a lot of chip. I folded pocket Aces when they were in fact the winning hand. With a board of Q 4 Q 4 and your opponent moves all-in after calling several of your previous raises it would have been a large risk to call him. Turns our he had pocket 9's. For the rest of the night I floated around 8000-13000 chips. I ended in 6th place out of ten putting me in 3rd place overall in our local standings. Luckily for me there is still plenty of time to earn some more points. Our next game is scheduled for the second weekend of June.
World of Warcraft
I've been pushing pretty hard at World of Warcraft lately. I managed to gain half a level yesterday putting me at almost level 69. Once I hit 70 I'll be focusing on crafting my Fireguard then getting my flying mount so I can take part in the Kharazan runs.
Starting World of Warcraft from scratch was been very interresting for me. Many aspects of the game has changed since I last played and I'm really enjoying myself lately. Like any character there were some rough patches that almost made me want to quit playing again but I pushed through those levels and the rewards were worth it. The 45-50 and the 52-54 ranges were painful to grind. But now that I've past the appropriate zones for those levels, particularly Zangarmarsh, the quests have been a lot of fun. I'm getting good gear and I'm almost set to start the infamous Kharazan raid.
Life in General
Life is going alright for the time being. I've currently been moved to a new post where I am quite comfortable. It's quite, alone, and almost no one works in this building. I get to spend my time on the internet, writing, or reading. Some days I can get a little bored if I cant figure out what it is I feel like doing. I usually end up pacing the day away in those cases which is not the end of the world. Sometimes being lost in thought is kinda nice.
My friendships have become a little more narrow as of late which I dont mind too much. The people I tend to hang around with nowadays are Dan, Keith, Martin, and on occassion, Rusty. I dont reallt roleplay anymore. Either my weekends are filled other activities like poker, or I dont really feel like going out. I was suppose to be taking part in the new Legend of the Five Rings campaign that Phil was going to start but I suspect I may have been purposely excluded for reasons I dont know. So be it. Looks like I dont get to play my Agasha Henshin after all.
James is currently being treated like a Yo Yo in a potential relationship. Personally I think he should use my old technique in high school and be very blunt. If he wants to know where he stands with this girl, he should simply ask her where they stand. As I learned at a very early age, the worst that can happen is that she'll say no. Then you can simply move on and stop wasting gas money making trips to Lindsay.
Overall life is good. I'm not expecting much in the way of replies to this blog but I've now managed to do soemthing with a small portion fo my morning. I should be blogging on a regular basis now that I have a bunch of free time.