Jun 21, 2006 09:03
So I recently borrowed the Roruni Kenshin series on DVD from Chris and I started watching it yesterday. After seeing the movie (which was amazing) I must say that so far the show sucks BALLS!
For starters I'm pretty picky when it comes to my anime. It has to have a story that draws me. I don't care much for comedy, the quality of the art, or the action itself, I'm all about captivating story that gets me saying "Whats gonna happen next?". This is why I liked the movie so much.
In the series the character has gone from a total badass to this punk who now refuses to kill, acts like a total buffoon, and is squatting at some martial arts school. I feel like im watching tri-gun where the main character is this totally awesome killing machine but acts too stupid to show his true potential...
If the show does not truly get my attention by the end of the first season I will be returning it without finishing the entire series. So it better get good quick!
A plus side of the show are the two little girls who live at the school. Thye are pretty damn adorable :P