Jun 20, 2006 08:20
So yesterday Dan, Rob, and myself went to Chris' house for some playtesting and man am I glad I did. I got to play around with some really neat tactics that I now know will pay off. Of all the games the best one was against Chris' new lion deck.
Chris managed to fend off my first 2 attacks and after the 2nd one he played retribution for one of my provinces. On his turn he attacked and took another province then played 3 tacticians during his dynasty. Things were looking rough for me because Heigai was single handedly dealing with my armies of goblins and Chris had 4 provinces to my 2. Not to mention on Chris' turn he used Death of Ryoshun on Goblin Healer so any pk would work effectively on me on my turn. Heigai was bowed from the last attack phase so I decided now was the time to make my move.
I do some Omoni tricks to get my numbers up a little and declare my attack.
My personalities consist of 2 Goblin Healers, 1 Nomi, 2 Goblin Sapper, Omoni, 1 Zeth, and 1 Kobushi. Some of these personalities have 1F followers from Big Stick and Zeth effects.
I send 1 Healer, 1 Nomi, 1 Sapper at Province 1.
I send 1 Healer, 1 Zeth, 1 Sapper at Province 2.
I send 1 Omoni, 1 Kobushi at Province 3.
I send nothing at province 4.
Chris assigns his 3 tacticians to defend province 3. I resolve province 1. I blow up the sapper to reduce the strength of province 3 to zero. I then play broad front to move this army to province 2.
I resolve province 2. I blow up the sapper to reduce the strength of province 4 to zero and react with Nomi to pump up my army. My force exceeds 14 so I crush both province 1 and 2.
I resolve province 3 where my 2 goblins are opposed by the 2 personalities. After an epic battle filled with battle actions both of our armies have 0 force. I use a yobanjin fortress and Chris is out of actions to make the token evaporate. I beat the army by 1 force and the province has 0 province strength. I take out the province.
I resolve province 4. I use a yobanjin fortress to crush the last province. GAME!
I had to play my cards perfectly for everything to work out. If I had made a single mistake I would have been screwed and his fat ass lion tacticians (including Heigai) would have crushed my last two provinces. I'm glad to see that if my deck loses the initial momentum it can still play out the mid-game. Excellent game Chris!