Jan 28, 2008 13:59
Why do we value those who are complaining and broken but when people come forward with hope and an answer they are cut down as contrived? As Christians we have the answer, we have the hope of this world, what creation is groaning for. All too often however, we go about lamenting the lack of an answer and groaning right along with the world as if we had no hope. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!
We have the answer, that answer is Jesus who is the light of the world and we are meant to go into the broken places and weep with people, crying out for their deliverance. But if you don't have the hope for their deliverance how can they find it? If you don't know that you are whole, how can you help heal the holes in others? We need to start acknowledging the finished work of Jesus in our lives and having confidence in God for ourselves. Why do we groan as the world does, without hope and beaten down by the darkness. We are a light, we have hope, we have the answer to banish the darkness.
Jesus was in the midst of the world as a light, with the hope for the world. People knew it and accepted it because they are groaning for an answer to the hurting and brokenness. We are that answer, stop joining them in their brokenness as broken. Join them in their brokenness as whole, because you have been made whole. You can only minister to people what you yourself believe and have faith to accept.
If you feel beat up and like you have no hope, maybe it's time to stop trying to give hope to others and take some time to find hope. If we are just ministering to minister, because we have to then we may see some fruit because God loves people. What God wants however, is children who know the delight of their Father and know that their ministry is a ministry of reconciliation. Why are our souls so downcast? We have the hope of the nations.
The enemy is warring so very hard to keep you from knowing this, submit yourself to God by believing and then tell that sucker to get out of your face. You are not without hope, and you are not lost. You have been found and you have all things, you are loved and have the hope of eternal life. Dwell in the shelter of this and get with some others who also dwell there. Then start running together and watch what happens.
Jesus says, “if I am lifted up I will draw all men to myself.” It's time to lift Jesus up in our hearts as our hope and our all. In Him you are complete, you have died and your life is hid with God is Christ Jesus. Throw off that devil who is pushing your head down, because God is the lifter of your head and your head belongs raised high and to heaven.