update: everything

May 08, 2016 08:31

Saturday I vowed I would go out and about and not spend the day hiding in my apartment. So I did.

First I had to dope myself to sleep Friday night, having not had a complete night's sleep for a week. So I did, and it worked and I felt better for it. I went to the Memphis Farmer's Market which was pleasant although there was an overlay of wistful longing for the folks I knew back at my old market. Purchased baby bok choy and some smoked tofu, wheat bread and strawberries, and a large cauliflower. I plan to roast that sucker tonight.

Post office to mail birthday presents to old friend, then drove a different way through town to second market, exploring Central Gardens historic district. Lovely old houses, really nice area with old trees and crumpled sidewalks. Second market didn't have anything I wanted/needed so off to Greek Festival. It was mostly food but I listened to some music, bought an eyeglasses case that I am using for my new phone right now. It is a lovely sea green loose-woven fabric lined with a tan microsuede so it polishes the phone when I yank it out. Made by a small group that provides materials and instructions to refugee women living in Memphis, then splits the purchase price with them. This is the second women-centric micro-charity I've found and supported here. The other one packaged various tea mixes, and benefited victims of domestic abuse and poverty. Also purchased a few kataifi, my favorite Greek pastry, the one with shredded phyllo that looks like shredded wheat biscuits doused in honey syrup and filled with nuts. Then I drove through the countryside to a small winery (literally, one small building) and purchased some local wine. Drove home, surprised to discover the place is only 15 minutes or so from the apartment. Dangerous, that.

Did the laundry and fell asleep reading and as a result of that and possibly backlash from the sleeping meds the night before was up most of the night. Started a massive re-read of Angela Thirkell's Barsetshire novels. Last time I did that was when I moved to Maryland with #2, leaving R and #1 behind in Ohio. History rhyming again. Did manage to pull images and write notes for my B5 recap due not this Monday but next. Plan to watch the next two episodes, which need stories, later today. First I am off to walk dogs.

I will be talking to Minneapolis later next week. How honest should I be? I would like that job better than this one. I do not think they can offer me enough money, plus I think I would have to front my move up there, and potentially the later move, if there is one, as well. I vacillate between thinking I should just stay put, and possibly have my family stay put as well. Not sure I can afford that long term, and there is R's health to consider. I feel everyone I talked to incessantly about this decision is thinking 'didn't we just do this and isn't she settled now and can't we stop worrying about her?'

I would like that job but not to move again, and I am not sure about Minneapolis. I'm pretty sure I don't want to end up there for good and all. Or here either. Meanwhile I will go walk dogs, hit the grocery store, come home and cook and watch B5. I do not have a special relationship with the Universe.

This entry was originally posted at http://vjs2259.dreamwidth.org/395755.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

things i do, b5, tv, family, job search, update: dark

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