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May 06, 2016 07:24

I am forging ahead with the B5 S2 re-watch, having just finished A Distant Star. That's my episode to recap so I can work on that this weekend. I wanted to get ahead a bit because two episodes in my story gap are next and I need the time to work on writing something for them. I have the germ of an idea for The Long Dark, and Spider in the Web will likely be a Talia tale. I've been re-reading my S2 re-watch stories from before. Some of them are good! Some of them are not so good. Mostly it feels like a stranger wrote them.

Found myself taking to heart Delenn's lecture on the Universe putting us where we need to be. 'They are never easy places.' I am fighting so hard to get out of here, and at times I long to lie down and let it all roll over me. Which is the right thing to do? Where is the right place for me? At least I have a (practice) experiment today which will make the time fly, or at least move. To mix my fannish metaphors, I feel like I'm stuck in Storybrooke before the clock started up again.

Will speak with Minneapolis next week but may give them a prior heads up that it's all about the Benjamins at this point. I hate taking that mercenary attitude, but I can't see bankrupting everyone just to keep my sanity.

Okay, that didn't come out right.

Providence has let me know that 'I'm #2!' which means No in a nice way. As much as I loved the area that job gave me a bad feeling of deja vu. I think it will be a battle to keep the place open; I probably would win that battle but then again I thought I'd win at Maryland too.

I came up with a nice metaphor to explain my willingness to jump jobs again. I've uprooted myself but the transplant hasn't taken hold yet.

Some big decisions/tasks coming up. Car insurance--still not switched. Voter registration? Should I even bother? Look for a new rental (with corresponding good schools and increase in commute) or stay put, which implies staying put by myself.

I did finally buy a new phone. Go me! One decision made.

Managed to miss the start of the new season of Call the Midwife, but set DVR to record first and re-run so may be able to catch up. I finally realized why Stephen McGann looked so familiar--Dr. Who's bro! That is one good-looking family...

And it's time to leave this vale of tears for another (i.e. time to leave for work). Next time maybe I'll give you some Tales of the Humane Society. Playing with three-legged puppies gives you some perspective, you betcha.

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teevee, b5, update: grey, family, writing, job search, work, dogs

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