I find myself torn today. I have (remunerative) work to do. My car needs work(!) I haven't been to the gym in days and I am stiffening up. I have a long-standing promise to visit an old friend (most of day cause 3 hours round trip). I have schoolwork, NaNo, research, an interview tomorrow that I am totes ignoring. I have to work out a suitable disciplinary action for my errant teen. Prioritizing is not working, my friends. Think I'll start the day with a post shower. No, I already started with an argument with R. Think I'll continue with a shower.
I officially, as of last night, hate the NaNo word count update thingie. It converted my 11,224 words to -11,224 words cause I added words up wrong and updated (11:58 pm) and then corrected (12:01 pm). Bah.
I am slowing down in the old writing gig though still ahead of count cause of the first two blockbuster days. Worked past a bit of blockage so hopeful if time can be found that I'll get back on track. The goal is to finish the story, no matter how many words/days it takes. Right?
The write-in at the library was v. successful. Nice group of gals, and free coffee. Also whoops when word counts announced. Who doesn't like a whoop? I am looking forward to Monday.
I have not yet re-watched The Gathering. Before the next episode, this I swear.
One of my characters wandered off into town, having taken a day off to put a delay in the plot. Luckily she ran into another character, angsted over missing her family and observed with dismay the quelling of a riot. Which has led to exposition over caffeinated beverage with 2nd character. Telepaths like diners, who knew? Also grilled cheese, cause what planet doesn't have grilled cheese? None worth visiting, that's for sure.
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