Posting from work is not the best idea. However...we had a little snow. Not a lot but ill-timed and it took me two hours to get into work with some sliding and white-knuckled moments. Mostly just crawling along with all the other drones. I keep thinking 'what are we all doing out in this mess?' What do most of us do for a living that couldn't wait a day? Or even half a day? Utilities, hospitals, law enforcement (maybe), emergency services, groceries and gas...the rest? *shrug*
The post-scarcity society--the jobless recovery--the productivity boom that leaves many jobs behind. How are we going to handle a future where fewer people need to work but everyone still needs to eat and eating depends on work? There are many things we need or at least could use people to do, but they don't pay.
I'd like to run literacy programs for children and book discussion groups for teenagers and computer assistance classes for seniors. And if I was a better person maybe I'd quit this job and do that for pennies. Or nothing? Except for that eating thing.
I'm on hold this week cause supplies I ordered before Christmas weren't here when I got back, and still waiting to find out when they will arrive leaves me twiddling my thumbs unable to set up that experiment, not ready to set up the next experiment, and waiting to adjust the schedule. I will probably start filing, and updating inventory, and getting notes up to date, and trying to figure out why things are sort of working and sort of not. Real Soon Now.
Christmas was good. After Christmas was good but stressful. New Year's was okay and real stressful. Coming home to work and family and associated problems is really, really stressful. I know stress plays a number on your muscles but can it affect tendons and ligaments? I'm stumbling, even falling a bit lately. Maybe it's a brain thing.
I think I'll go finish the online class in Sexual Harassment for Managers I'm supposed to do. That's the ticket.
Oh, and everyone go watch The Librarians and come back and tell me what you think. OK?
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