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Sep 09, 2014 08:05

It's been a long time. I'm checking on your posts, and reading them, but wasn't in a mental state to comment. My depressively bad.

I am going to do one of those reading/thinking/watching/doing the end. But first an update.

Things at work...I don't know where to start. The awfulness is leveling off? With glimmers of potential okayness? I still have days of jaw-clenching fury and despair, but also days of get it done and move on. *shrug* I'm off to a course next week. Absence won't make the heart grow fonder, but it's a break and a hard-fought for one at that.

Things at home...are okay. Starting into a new set of rules with elder son who is taking on more responsibility and hence borking more things up. I have to sit on my hands a lot, and am striving to keep my mouth shut. Younger son has seemingly adjusted to middle school just fine. Still forgetting things a little, not sure how the social aspect is going but no complaints so far from him. *fingers crossed* I have enrolled him in a computer video game design class for middle schoolers at the community college this fall. Mom is doing well; my parents' house is never going to sell. R is under so many doctors' care I can't keep them straight, but for minor/middling things so far. His disease is breaking him down but very slowly. *fingers double crossed*

Things with me...I'm reading although mostly junk food novels, mysteries mainly. Though I did make a start at Les Miserables. The first ebook version I looked at was great, easy to read, engaging. Then I looked at another version (unabridged) and I have no idea what the first one was. Classics Illustrated without the pictures?
You know what I hate about that time period in literature? That oh-so-clever way of disguising who and what and where with dashes...The Count of B___, the Bishop D'____, the town of M____. I find it terribly distracting. I think my brain tries to fill in the blanks and gets tangled up in meaningless letters.
I 'finished' a story, a near-final draft anyway. Another is inching along with an unfortunately large Insert Plot Here gap. Two more at alpha and omega; one has just a bare beginning, one is complete except the very end.

What I've been:

Reading. Mysteries, magazines, newspapers, journal articles. My own fic as I slog on getting my AO3 account updated with old stuff.

Writing. Charmed, B5, a weird Sanctuary/Eureka/Longmire/Once Upon a Time crossover which will likely never get finished

Doing. Going to a book discussion group tomorrow. Social activity! Going to a course in Buffalo. Learning activity! Taking #1 back and forth to Renn Faire. Medieval activity! Second and last Back to School Night tonight. Family activity! Archiving at AO3. I have an alphabetical rosters of posted (and some unposted) stories and I'm putting them all up there. New, old, good, bad. Listing activity!

Watching. Doctor Who (like Capaldi okay, Clara is growing on me, only have liked episode 3 so far this series). Way behind on Rizzoli and Perception but they are recorded. Missed the Poirot finale on Mystery but will catch it eventually. Season 3 of Once Upon a Time finally hit Netflix, enjoying it immensely. Wanted to watch it from beginning but started with end of S2 just to get back into the story. Haven starts again this week, but not sure about Evil Not-Audrey.

Cooking. Mostly vegetables from the CSA. Just this week I've made tomato sauce with peppers, onions, zucchini. Going to add sausage and serve with various pastas thru the week. Also cauliflower cheese, stuffed jalapenos, cucumber-onion dip, roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli. My sister and I made salsa with her garden tomatoes and special spice mix (no, she doesn't share her recipe); I added peppers and onions once I got it home. Anathema but that's the way I like it. There are still green beans, an eggplant, more zucchini, some squash, more peppers...good lord. The grape harvest came in with a bang this long mellow summer. We have 8 or so quarts of Concord grapes soaking in cheap brandy. It'll be ready around Christmas. The rest we sorted, stemmed, cleaned and froze whole. I plan to juice them eventually and basically had to get them processed somehow and out of buckets in the kitchen. The dog kept sticking his head in and chewing on a few!

I have taken off this morning as I am not feeling well but have to toddle into work at some point. Then I'll be at the middle school until 9 or so.

Ah well. Such is the life of an elf.

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teevee, health, family, update: grey, writing, reading

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