the paper of record

Jul 09, 2014 05:50

I subscribe to the New York Times. I used to subscribe to the Washington Post and I need to do so again if only for the yuks. And the local news. Since all local news is gone bye-bye now.

Here's three articles/opinion pieces that raised an eyebrow yesterday (and early this morning since sleep escapes me).

Room for Debate: Should You Send Your Children to Summer Camp

Amusing tale of the Haves discussing their options. I particularly liked the part about the shared family vacation. It's like reading about the Revolutionary War; just that timely and relevant.

(I have camp guilt. And I do believe in the power of boredom. Maybe next year I'll let them just veg around the house. Or stare at a screen until their eyes start to bleed. Or not.)

The Long Wait to See a Doctor

After all that discussion prior to passage of the Affordable Care Act, about how bad other countries wait times were, and how lucky we were not to live Over There, someone thought to poll Americans on their experience with doctor wait times...

And who knew? They are really long!

(Everyone knew. At least, everyone I knew, knew. I also liked the shopping for your doctor articles. After wading through the pages of docs on your insurance company list--weeding out those who no longer accept that insurance and are not accepting new patients through innumerable phone calls, there is maybe one left. Or two if you're very lucky. Choice!)

College Debt and Home Buying

After many articles about whether there might be a connection between massive student loan debt and young people not buying their first home, or delaying the purchase, data and many graphs show.... there's no connection!

(Have not closely examined these stats. They seem suspect.)

The article comes up with a truly novel idea. Maybe not having a job, or having a job that pay too little to afford a house...affects buying a house? It's crazy, I know.

All the news that's fit to print.
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linkspam, newspapers

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