day off

Jul 07, 2014 09:56

I am going to join the dog on the deck (he's sun-snoozing) and finish the YA novel I've been reading. The Clockwork Scarab: Sherlock Holmes' niece and Bram Stoker's sister join forces in the service of Queen and Country. Under the supervision of Irene Adler, agent of Princess Alexandra, they work together to solve a mystery involving opium, women's rights, and the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet. It's not as good as it sounds, though it's not bad. Also steampunk AU, did I mention that? And time travel? Plot's bit busy. I could have done without the Teen Romance aspects. Better kissing in fanfic.

I worked a full day Sunday and a couple of hours on Saturday and an hour this morning from home. So illegal compensatory day off it is.

Read, go to the gym, take a long (uninterrupted shower), invent a casserole, and read some more. There may, or may not, be ice cream.

I'm starting to feel the urge to write again, but it all comes out as Hobby Lobby/birth control rants. I need a new fandom, or a jolt from an old one.

Watching The Killing on Netflix. Somewhat disturbed at how many episodes there are. I hope they move on to another murder at some point because otherwise the length is pretty daunting. But it's compelling and I really like the main detective character, Mireille Enos is great. I'd check the synopses but the Internet is rife with spoilers for older shows. Darn it.

Listening to The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne on Librivox, as well as And Both Were Young by Madeleine L'Engle on Nook via Overdrive. Not at the same time! The L'Engle book I read ages ago and have forgotten almost completely. Little bits of plot swim up into my consciousness before they happen but I can't distinguish between memory and forecasting from foreshadowing. I've been jolted by some aspects of the plot and may write it out in a review. But I want to finish it first.

Allons-y! To the deck!

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teevee, vacations or something like it, audio books, reading

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