A Week in the Life: Sunday

Apr 09, 2012 00:51

Ok, so I decided I would use a different Instagram filter each day for these. Yesterday's was Lo-Fi, today's is Hudson.

This is pretty much how I start every day - kitty cuddle time. There are worse ways to live.

I got up and finished getting ready for the afternoon's Easter tennis match.

One tray has pickles and olives, the other deviled eggs - both packed in ice, they are really cool trays. Because mayonnaise and 80 degree days (nearly 27 for you Celsius fans out there) do not mix well. One egg was left by the end of the day and it was as cold as if it had been refrigerated. And then on the blue tray are almond-stuffed dates wrapped in bacon, because bacon makes everything better.

Setting up for lunch...

This was only about half of it - the honey-baked ham and all the desserts hadn't arrived yet. We had a great lunch!

A lovely Georgia afternoon on the courts. I didn't play, but I had a great time cheering my teammates on and we won 4 out of 5 matches.

Then I came home, and for once didn't procrastinate about cleaning things up!

In fact, I went on a bit of a cleaning tear. During all my travels, the guest room became the dumping ground for all the luggage and dirty clothes from my trips, and while I was sick I was too tired to deal with it.
Before and after:

And then I went to work on my room.

And after:

I know, it looks messier but it really isn't. The bed is not only made but with clean sheets (the ones in the basket in the first pic were clean, in the second pic they're dirty), the dresser you can't see which was piled up with crap is no longer, everything is dusted. Also, while it looks like the piles of clothes are bigger in the second from the first is because the reason there were piles of clothes in the first was that the hampers were full. Now everything is sorted and I got started on my laundry. And in between doing all of this, I cleaned all of the kitty litter related items in the house, but there are no pictures of that because, gross.

So a busy day and a busy evening! The rest of the week will probably be pretty boring, given that I work from home and this week I'm working West Coast hours which means doing next to nothing in the evenings.

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/499899.html. That entry currently has

meme, click!

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