A Week in the Life: Saturday

Apr 08, 2012 01:25

Several people on my flist have been doing this, so of course I thought I'd wait til they were all done and over it and then do it myself. Because I'm awesome at being late to the party like that.
ETA: Instagram Filter - Lo-Fi

Every morning when I get out of bed, the first thing I do is look out the window to see if my roommate is here, in order to know how loud I should turn on my stereo.

2 cars = Quiet time

Today I was motivated and went to yoga class at the YMCA.

Then I had lunch at my favorite Mexican place!

I had some time to kill before my hair appointment so I went to Loehmann's to look at dresses and instead found the world's most perfect pair of shoes!

Then off to the salon!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who's the fairest of them all?

Okay, not me. But it had to be done.

Finished product!

Then I went to the mall (ugh!) to continue shopping - I need to get a dress for a wedding and I can't find what I want. After hours of wandering aimlessly, I did get a dress though I'm not sure it's the dress. Food court dinner FTW!

Next, I went to the grocery store to get everything I need to take with me for tomorrow's tennis potluck. As I was leaving the grocery store, this was the view.

They're called the King and Queen buildings, as the tops are designed to look like chess pieces.

Then I came home and made deviled eggs. I am amazed by the fact that pots are designed to fit exactly one dozen eggs in them. Did they think about it, or is it a happy accident?

And my Wonder Woman Converse have arrived!

Of course, Cinnamon decided that all shoestrings are belong to her and went in for the kill. I can't wait to tell my brother that I bought a pair of Converse, he'll be so proud! As a family, we have been slow to change our allegiance from Puma, even though he's worked at Converse for three or four years now.

Thus endeth my day. It was a busy one, and I'm worn out!

This entry was originally posted at http://vixalicious.dreamwidth.org/499690.html. That entry currently has

meme, click!

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