...add the columns...calculate the sum...

Oct 05, 2004 12:27

Quote for the day: "Honor what is honorable."

~~I was writing a paper for Comp. but I'm taking a break. I have to leave to go to costume lab in 30 minutes anyway. Only 2 more days and then I get to move on to lighting! YAY! I don't like costume, it's not a talent of mine and I'm bored to tears in there. I know I'm going to end up working on my work for Comp. in there today anyway.

I finally feel like I'm breathing easier today. The past week or so has not been easy on my mental health. It's not like all things are crashing dowm around me, but I've had a lot on my mind. Just a lot of stuff that people have said and things that have made me feel like maybe I'm not the kind of person I thought I was. But then I remembered that that train of thought was completely against my personal philosophy. I AM who I AM. And maybe that's the problem some people have with me, but I don't change for anyone. I've become so concerned with wanting others to like me that I've started to not like myself. There are plenty of people on this planet that like me just the way I am. They understand me and embrace who I am. And I don't really give a damn if anyone thinks I have "princess syndrome" or whatever else it may be. So sue me for thinking that I deserve only what I give to others...which is the best. I LIKE myself. And isn't that really the bottom line?

So, this Thursday is 6 months for Tyler and I. Half a year...that's crazy. I always say that it seems like it's been forever, but then again, it seems like it just started. And I think it's supposed to feel that way. Comfortable and fresh all at the same time.

Well, I guess I'm off for now. I have to go to lab for 3 hours. BLECH! Take care everyone, bye for now! =) ~~
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