...we were havin' a wild wild party...

Oct 07, 2004 11:57

Quote for the day: "Love conquers all things."

~~Today is half a year! YAY! =)

Aaaaaand...today is my last day in costume lab! The final exam for costuming was so not cool. I don't know the parts of the sewing, or how to do a whip stitch, or what linen is made from. Come on people! I'm a beauty queen, I don't need this stuff! lol So, yes I only have 2 more hours in lab today, so I get out at 3 and then I'm done with that section of technical theatre study. On to lighting!

Tyler and I are coming home this weekend, but only for a little while. We'll be there late afternoon on Saturday until sometime on Sunday.

Well, I'm killing time before I leave for my last day on lab! So...bye for now y'all! =) ~~


& Name: Candy
& Nicknames/Aliases: Cand, Blondi, Baby, Delicious
& Age: 18
& Location: Tampa, FL
& Hair color: golden blonde
& Eye color: blue
& Height: 5'2
& Weight: about 115
& Tattoos: none! blah on needles
& Piercings: 1 in each ear


& Since I know your hair color, describe your hairstyle to me: medium-length, but getting pretty long...relatively straight, but with a little bit of a wave
& Is it dyed: no way!
& Any other distinctive/unusual markings on your body: I have a birthmark on my right upper arm
& Scars: just some faded ones
& Freckles: they're speckled all over me...I think Tyler has given me more
& Is your weight considered average to your height: pretty much
& If not, do you want to lose weight: who asks this question??? does it matter? and no
& Do you wear makeup: yes
& What do you wear on a normal basis: denim, cute shirts
& Do you stay exclusive to one store, or shop at various stores: I shop at various places but I love Charlotte Russe
& Do you like Converse shoes: no, I'm a high-heeled sandal person
& What about plaid: blah...not on me
& Studded belts/jewelry/etc: of course! I LOVE jewelry
& How would people describe your "style": glamorous
& Do you enjoy getting dressed up: always!
& Most expensive item in your closet: wow, I can't name just one! maybe a ball gown that was about $550
& Least expensive item in your closet: a few pairs of flip-flops that I bought from Target
& How often do you shop: I LOVE SHOPPING!


& Have a significant other: yep!
& And if so, what is their name: Tyler
& How long have you two been together: 6 months today
& Why do you like him/her: how could I not? he's completely perfect for me
& What do they look like: very boy-band like, very CUTE! great smile, beautiful eyes, great arms
& Are they "the one" for you: definitely
& What romantic things have they done for you: he's not much a romantic, but he is really sweet
& If not taken, who are you crushing on: I'm taken!
& Would you ever consider dating someone of the same sex: no
& Why or why not: because I don't want to lol


& Still living with (a) parent(s) {if you're over 18, that is}: NO!
& Have any pets: a dog at home with my parents...and a giant bunny
& Have any siblings {Names & ages}: technically, I'm an only child...but I consider Kat my sister
& Get along with them okay: great!
& Get along with your parent(s): sometimes
& Make you do any chores around the house: I don't live at home anymore
& Overall good people with good intentions: pretty much


& Current HS/Uni: USF
& Current/future college Major: right now, it's theatre performance
& Current G.P.A: 3.5
& School colors: green and yellow
& School mascot: Bulls
& Got school spirit: I've always had school spirit, but I haven't really gotten into it yet this year
& Fave classes: I like Composition...isn't that sad?
& Not so fave classes: I hate costume lab!!!!
& Fave teachers: my Comp. teacher
& Attend any games: not yet
& Gotten any refferals/demerits and if so, what for: NO!
& Talkative and open or shy and introverted: talkative and open
& Like to gossip: lol sometimes


& Best friend(s): Kat and Steph
& How long have you known them: Kat for 11 years, Steph for almost 5 I think
& Why do you like them: because I have a lot of fun with both of them and can talk to them about anything
& Talk about them behind their back: no, why would I?
& Do you have more acquaintances than friends {like I do}: no, I have a lot of friends


& Take drugs: NO!
& Rave/party all night: yes, I've partied all night several times!
& Smoke: NO!
& Got drunk: once
& Had sex: yes
& Streaked/flashed: no
& Stolen anything: no
& Snuck out: a few times...once with Kat, LOL
& Skinny-dipped: yes
& Instigated a fight: not a physical fight
& Egged/TP'd a house: no, but I want to egg the pest's vehicle!


& Color: pink!
& Number: 7
& Food: anything Italian
& Drink {non-alcoholic}: diet coke
& Drink {alcoholic}: martini
& Animal: dolphin
& Day: Saturday
& Season: spring
& Store: Charlotte Russe
& Clothing item: shoes!!!
& Shoes: high-heeled sandals
& Band: matchbox twenty
& Song: ever? "A Whole New World" from Alladin
& Music genre: showtunes
& TV show: Friends
& Musical/play: 42nd Street, Wicked, City of Angels, The Wild Party, Cabaret...
& Movie: Serendipity
& Celebrity: Reese Witherspoon
& Comedian: I'm not sure
& Singer: Mariah Carey
& TV station: VH1


& Believe in God: I believe in something of a higher power
& Attend church: no
& If not, then are you spiritual: somewhat
& Or are you an athiest, and why: I am NOT athiest!
& Alien life: yes
& Ghosts: yes
& Miracles: yes
& Wishing on stars: no
& Magic: depends on type of magic we're talking about
& Love at first sight: no
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