HP: HPB Warning, thar be spoilers!

Jul 17, 2009 20:55

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Was frickin' A W E S O M E!!!!!

Loved most all of it! Everything that's true to the book, I loved. They always come through on that. For the stuff that's different, however: SPOILERS [I am numbering them so that those who want to talk about it/debate can do so more easily.]

Did not like the following:
1) Dumbledore picked up Harry on the Underground instead of at his house. I don't mind this change, for it's actually much more interesting film-wise, but it means Dumbledore never confronts the Dursley's. I feel this confrontation is vital; it gets the Dursley's scared about the whole situation and then worried come the beginning of the next book when they are sent into hiding. Plus, the fact that Dumbledore acknowledges the fact that the Dursley's have been abusing him, which strains the Harry/Dumbluore relationship since he never spoke up for him until he has basically no time left!
2) Five words: Draught of the Living Death. NO! That's not what that potion does! It's a powerful sleeping potion, one that makes the person appear dead, not something that would kill a man "with just one drop." Bad movie people! For starters, that's just wicked illogical! Why the hell would call that potion the "Draught of the Living Death" if it actually kills? Huh? Yeah, so not happy with that change!
3) At the Weasleys' the establish the fact that Tonks and Lupin are together, something that doesn't get mentioned for a while!!! Lupin needs to be more upset/worried/conflicted about the whole relationship what with his werewolf-ness
4) They changed the Astronomy tower scene... and I mean a lot! It's not all that bad, but I don't like the Snape parts. In the book, it's still very much up to debate if Snape is Good or Evil until details in seven. By seeing Harry, and "shhh"ing him, it shows him to still be working for Dumbledore. What's more, when he sends the others away (after Hagrid's is on fire) an duels Harry, he leaves the wand. If he was working for Voldemort, he would have taken in. Thus, he must be Good. In the book, there isn't that much obviousness. (I knew he was good, but it's way too obvious in the movie...) So, basically, I don't mind how the changed it (time-constraints and all that jazz) but they made Snape to obviously Good.
5) Draco shows his Dark Mark. In the books it's never fully confirmed, nor fully denied, that he has it.
6) Bill Weasely. In the book, the Death Eaters+Draco don't get out of the castle so easily. They encounter DA and Order members and a fight breaks out. Bill Weasely is maimed during the fight by Fenrir Greyback. Plus, no mention of him/Fleur Delacour
7) They left out the funeral - big no-no! If nothing else, it means Harry never dumps Ginny, and that's wicked important! He breakups with her since he doesn't want her in danger, which adds to the character.
8) Um... apparition! They NEVER mention it other than the fact Harry side-along apperates with Dumbledore. This is a problem; they need to be able to do it come summer!

I loved the following, even though it's different from the book!:
9) I liked how the opened with the scenes from the ministry in the previous year; Harry looks like shit, which is a good thing (since he's emotionally crap.) Different from the book in that he isn't sent to Hogwarts right away, but I do like how they did it so I'm ok with it.
10) Slughorn's hourglass isn't in the books at all, but I do approve. It's a good visual, but it would have been hard to describe the books.
11) The whole attack at the Weasleys' doesn't happen in the book - it worked out well though. I like how they filmed it and everything, so although it's added it's okay. My only worry is: what about the wedding? If the house went up in flames, where is the wedding going to be?
12) Harry goes about trying to talk to Slughorn (before the Felix) in a very different manner in the book. However, it takes a lot more time to go about it that way. So, assuming they needed to change it some from the book, they did a fantastic job of it!
13) The whole Harry-liking-Ginny and Hermione-liking-Ron dynamic is somewhat different than the books, but I think it's more that they had to condense it into a movie, while not making it seem cheesy. I think they did a brilliant job of it. I love the scene Harry and Hermione share after the Quiditch match, very well done.
14) Although not really different, I loved the whole Ron+love potion thing!!! The part that did change was that they never mention that it was Ron's birthday. Meaning he's now of age.
15) The whole Harry/Ginny kissing thing was well done. Different from the book, but much more romantic :) I'm not normally for the romantic stuff, but if all the snogging was comedy, well, that would just wouldn't be good either.

That's all I can think of for now.

Even with the "large" amount on the "don't like" list, the movie was awesome! We're going to go see it in IMAX next week :) I'll make another post after that ;)

After mom, Amelia, and I saw the movie (at the cinema pub, awesome!) we went to Starbucks and talked about it for an hour :)

Oh, and I haven't forgotten; I'm still going to be doing a voice post soon, and my "OMG, Au Pair plans..." post soon...

movie, awesome, random, review, harry potter, fandom

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