Ego boot!

Jul 20, 2009 23:17

So, my dad has informed me: some of the crew on the boat my dad is on right now were on Barque Eagle two summers ago when we were both on her and they remembered me.

I asked him if that was a good thing, or did they remember me for being annoying or something.

He said they remembered me for being: a hard worker, considerate, always asking where and how I could help, standing duty even though there was no reason for me to, and for being smart. They really enjoyed having me on board.

*blushes and grin* Talk about ego boost :)

He said that they asked how I was, what I was up to, etc. He told them how I started college and got into Mount Holyoke, and they said they "weren't surprised"!

One person said they wished I had been able to come on with my dad this time (though, obviously, I couldn't.)

So, I guess I made a good impression on Eagle :) See, and here I've been thinking that the Captain and crew had just been being polite when they said they hoped I could come on board again, and that I was invited back!

I'm in a good mood now :)

happy, ego, mhc, eagle, dad, military

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