Just a quick thought:

Jul 16, 2009 04:33

I hate summer. My reasoning behind this:

- It's hot (duh)
- It's boring (no classes)
- I don't have as many social interaction (the tourists scare me)
- It's hot (I don't like hot, I like cold!!!)
- I can't exercise (see "it's hot")
- I had to religiously apply sunscreen EVERY FREAKIN' DAY (even when I don't plan on going outside.)
- I get sunburned (even with the SPF 70)
- My vitiligo gets even more sunburned (albinos don't tan well...)
- It's hot (I don't think I mentioned this...)
- My sleep schedule gets so messed up (my spirit is in Alaska - the land of the midnight sun - but my insomnia is here)
- I get bored

Yadda, yadda. You get the idea. Summer is overrated.

I love autumn for basically all the reverse reasons as stated above :)

*points to time for proof of insomnia* And I've only gotten like 5 hours of sleep the last two nights.

random, sleep, insomnia, weather, bored, rl

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