Jun 10, 2009 18:04
1: How to remove a stereo from a car... turns out it take longer and makes more noise than movies have you believe!
2: How to rip apart a car's interior... needed for the whole "removing a stereo" thing.
3: How to fix a car's interior... needed after ripping it apart
4: How to hotwire a car... would have learned how, but A) that car doesn't work so hotwiring wouldn't have worked and B) dad doesn't know how to do it
5: How to get out of writing a research paper... even if that sounds like a good idea right now!
P.S. The Mitsubishi Expo is officially toast. Pushing up the daises. No more. Dead. Etc. We bought a Mazda5 (off eBay!) and it should be here Saturday or Sunday, sweet! Then I get to learn how to drive (because we didn't get out to practice before the Expo died, and I'm so NOT allowed to learn in the Mini Copper Sport six-speed manual... there is a reason to be found in every single word in that car's description *lol*)
Also, bizzare but true. Spellcheck doesn't think that "hotwiring" is a word, and should be corrected to "horseshoeing" or "housewarming" or "horsetrading"... right...
bad idea,