Today I am ______

Jun 13, 2009 15:07

1) Finishing making 12 bandannas for the Relay for Life team I'm on. Our team theme is "Pirates for Life" so they're black triangles, trimmed with red, appliqued with a skull (which has a bandanna on) and cross-bones. They look kick-ass! There's four each with light blue, purple, and forest green bandannas on the skulls. Three are completely done, the other nine only need the trim added :)

2) Watching a movie. I'm watching "Down Argentine Way." It's an old (1940) musical about an equestrian and and Argentinian horse breeder falling in love... but OMG, the horses! *drool* They're so pretty; I love Argentine jumpers! They're sooooooo pretty! Also, I really want Glenda Crawford's (lead female, played by Betty Grable) skirt from the party near the beginning of the movie, it's oh so pretty! The top isn't "me" but the skirt sure as hell is... I might have to make one myself :)

The Nicholas Brothers' dance number is amazing...

image Click to view

Every other second all I can think is "ow" "wow" "ow" "wow" "ow" "wow" *lol*

3) Working on papers! Less than three weeks for English Comp two, and I have to write 9 papers total! One being a long research paper... blah *bangs head on the wall* But next Friday at noon I will be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Until MHC in September... but I'm looking forward to that.

4) I'm feeling somewhat better, but still not fantastic. I stayed home yesterday, which was a good thing, but I'm still taking it easy today and plan to take it easy tomorrow as well.

movies, random, health, sewing, rl

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