SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 02, 2009 14:52

Yep, we have a snow day! Well, the college is closed until 1600, then opens for night classes. My class on Monday is a 1715. So it would seem I would have class, but the base (this class is one of the ones offered on the base) is closed for a snow day... so what to do? After a lot of email, then phone tag, it was determined NO CLASS! WOOT! Here's the more wootness of it. Because of vacation and stuff, I don't have to go to this class for another two weeks! Not sure I ever mentioned this, but this prof is not my favorite... and the class is rather boring... but it's an easy A, so I can't complain too much.

So, seeing as my prayers have been answered, I should procrastinate instead of doing work, right? No? Damn! *Gets to doing Physics and Art homework*

snow, woot, weather, rl, classwork, school

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