Dear sister of mine,

Feb 28, 2009 22:09

[I just sent this email to my sister]

I've been in a sewing mood as of late....

Today and yesterday, I've FINISHED hat quilt I made for the baby (that was born four months ago...) and fixed the Medieval dress. You know how the things on the back were popping out and looked trashy? Well, I made new strips (three times... 'cause I screwed up the first ones, didn't line the second ones, then did it right!!) and used buttonholes instead of the metal ring thingies... it looks LOADS better, and more authentic IMO :)

So that leads me to tonight.

There I was, working on your quilt, when I decided to figure out how many to make.

I figured you wanted a King Size (So you and Elchanan [the boy] can use it) and so calculated the number of squares based on a five inch square... I NEED TO MAKE 240 FRICKIN' SQUARES!!!!! Which have six seams each (1440 seams!!!) which need to stitched together (480 MORE seams) (That means we're at 1920 seams!!!)

Now, let me add the fact that I estimated the first time for size. I went back to measure, In hopes they would be bigger... turns out they're FOUR INCH SQUARES! Which means MORE SEAMS THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can tell, it's going to take a "little while" for me to finish this...

Here's the other option:

Small squares as a border, big squares in the middle. (Or small border, then an interior row of "medium", then "large" and then "huge"/some cool center.)

I would LOVE you if I didn't have to do quite that much. There's NO way I'd get that done before your birthday.

Also, you don't have enough fabric.

I can pick out some more if you want. I don't know if I will find matching, but I can find close(ish) for it. Cool colors, 3 "day" 3 "night". Alternitively, I can get 3 "day" and 3 "night" patterns, but in warm color instead. Then make a pattern of warm-cool-warm-cool... or something like that :)

Love you [even though...],
~Tori *hugs*

[Then, as I'm closing the tab I realize something. When I did the math, I was using the size of a mattress, therefore not accounting for the overhang (which is a LOT.) I therefore sent a second email]

*cries* I did the math wrong!

That's how many/much it would take... if you wanted it ONLY to go to the edge of the mattress, on the top... not over their sides at all... meaning it needs to be BIGGER than that *cries more*

Do you love me?

~Tori (your adorable sister to whom you should show lots of love and compassion!)

In case you're confused at this point (which is completely normal when I'm talking!) I'll explain. My sister started making herself a quilt a long time again (a year or two?) She's never gotten around to even coming close to finishing it. I agreed last December that I would finish it for her as her Hanukkah/Birthday present for the rest of her life. I haven't worked on it until tonight. ARGGGGGGG! As you can read above. It will look really nice in the end however.

It's three different fabrics each of sun and moon/star themes; all of which are in a blue tone. Most have sliver of gold accenting on them as well. Very nice looking. So she cut it all into 5 inch squares... which she then placed in stacks of six (one of each pattern) and THEN cut into six pieces each (random angles/lines.) Then, each stack of the random shape was shuffled a different amount. That way, when the pieces were all sewn back together, each square has one of each pattern in a random-looking shape. That type of block is referred to as "crazy"... I'm NOT kidding you! It seriously is FOR GOOD REASON!

Anyways, yeah... let's see how she responds *waits*

(P.S. - my sister and I have a very good relationship with each other, and she knows I'm totally mostly being a smart-ass!)

*points to icon* I want to change the text to something along the lines of "partway through the tranquility of quilting one does the math of how much sewing the quilt will take... OMG FOUR DIGITS! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!"

sister, email, quilting, family, sewing

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