[ showcase #9 - take me with you ]

Oct 31, 2011 02:38

[ Action A - Graveyard ]

[Late visitors to the cemetery might catch sight of a familiar figure slowly, determinedly climbing his way out of the grave his pseudo-wife had so helpfully opened for him earlier that day. He absently brushes a bit of dirt from the shoulder of his otherwise immaculate tuxedo, then turns his attention to the headstone and the small collection of tokens beneath it.]


[Hal finds it difficult to process in light of the fact that he feels propelled elsewhere, turning with a theatrical sweep of his cape to rival the Dark Knight.

The urge to find loved ones is overpowering and with his cape hiding his face, he soon sets off for the town.]

[ Action B - Around Mayfield ]

[...so it's taking him a really long time to make his way home. But hey! He sees someone he knows. Feeling like a fool, he begins to stalk.]

graveyard, oh my god i hate kitsch, mao's going to dissect me isn't he, can't our holidays be normal?, this does not bode well, failed my saving throw, action, event! it came from the dairy aisle, vampires are aliiiiiive

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