[ showcase #10 - to stand as never ending light ]

Nov 01, 2011 14:11

[ Action - 1491 Kramden - Morning ]

[The postman has since come and gone, and Hal makes his way out to the mailbox in his pajamas, the waist tie of his bathrobe dragging here and there on the cement path. There's little of import this morning, the usual magazine subscriptions, bills and junk mail, but something falls out of the pile onto the lawn, a little white shipping box that fits in the palm of his hand. Stooping to pick it up and snag the morning paper as well, Hal studies it critically. Typically the mail is addressed to both adults in the household, another irritating bit of psychological warfare, but this little curiosity is addressed for him alone.

It doesn't take long to pry it open, the smooth leather surface of a ring box appearing from its depths. Hal promptly drops everything else on the porch, his heart thudding in his ears.]

{Welcome back to the Green Lantern Corps, Hal Jordan}

[Neighbors (and let's be honest, most of town if they happen to be glancing that way) might see the sudden gleam of vivid green light climbing rapidly for the heavens.]

[ Action - The skies over Mayfield - throughout the day ]

[Flight is a feeling like nothing else, the air whistling past him a song to his heart. Hal feels whole again as he cranks up the speed, zipping and wheeling through the sky.

Attempts to establish contact with Oa have been frustratingly unsuccessful, and soon he takes up a holding pattern over town, scanning and testing out a few theories. He's not about to concede defeat just yet.]

1491 kramden road, regain, but where's my decoder ring?, you've got mail!, i drank all my ovaltine, official green lantern business

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