[ Showcase #8 - Trickeration ]

Oct 09, 2011 01:07

[A - 1491 Kramden Road - Morning - joint post w/ loistheintrepid]

[Today, Mayfield, is a day for constructive things. When you've tracked in God-only-knows all over your home during a freak zombie infestation, your concerns quickly go from how to salvage the carpet to "oh Jesus BURN EVERYTHING". Since both non-droned occupants of the house are already allergic to the 1950's decor (and the not-wife is developing a tic from having fuck all to do), they've come up with a solution:

Renovate this SoB.

Over the following weeks since the zombie weekend from Hell, neighbors might have noticed a flurry of activity from the house, starting with a whole mess of hideous mauve carpet quite gleefully ripped from the living room and dumped on the front lawn to be hauled away.

Were they going to stop there? Fuck no!

Saturday morning presents itself with a gloriously American tradition: the Jordan-Lane's are having a garage sale. From boomerang-print trivets to atomic-does-it-really-count-as-retro floor lamps, this garage sale has it all. And they want it out of there. Now. Eesh.

Feel free to haggle, Hal and Lois are still a little clueless about the value of the dollar in the 1950's. Oh, and there's lemonade and ice box cookies for stopping by. Drones are shooed away.]

[B - Hardware Store - Afternoon]

[Well, that's over. Back to working on the house. Hal's stopped in for supplies and is eyeing the paint colors speculatively.]

[C - Neutron Diner - Afternoon]

[Just a quick stop for greasy takeaway. Anyone there he knows?]

[D - 1491 Kramden Road - Evening]

[It's been a long day and the first coat of primer is on the living room walls. The windows are open to relieve them of that glorious smell of drying, most likely lead paint, and the sounds of Cab Calloway and his big band can be heard filtering out over the vaguely manicured shrubbery.]

1491 kramden road, mr fix it, do all the things, not acting married, oh my god i hate kitsch, pimp my home, if it ain't got that swing

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