This Might as Well Happen

Nov 16, 2021 18:38

I have run into a car problem: my only remote/key fob is dead and I can't for the life of me get its interior key out so I can't get into my car or change the fob battery. I didn't find out until around 5 pm so nobody at Hyundai or the used car place I bought it from (which is 50 miles away) is around to help me out by phone. If I could at least get the interior key out I could do something but without it I'm out of luck.

The one Hyundai service place 6 miles away in Bayside I got in their last 10 minutes open said they're booked until December 28! Maybe the Long Island City place will be better.

I've only had this car and remote for 9 months!

Tomorrow I start calling again. My roommate suggested calling the 104th Precinct NYPD to see if they could get the door open but I want other options first, since I'm afraid of what they might damage on my car to get in, if they even bother to help, which they might not since this is the 104.

But, hey, it's not like my money is already scarily very tight and I don't need another expensive thing to do, right? Oh, wait.

As a result of all this, I feel like a wrung-out dishrag and my head is killing me.

eta: key fob. The tiny silver circle at the top left of the fob above the bigger button with the red horn symbol on it is the key release I can't get to work.

Update! 11/17: The used car dealership salesman on the phone basically said, Sucks to be you. But! My local service station guys told me to bring the key fob down to them and after about 15 minutes of tools and struggle got the key out and replaced the battery! And it works. Unlocked and started my car. For some reason someone had… glued the key into the fob. Wtf. You can comment here or at the Dreamwidth crosspost.
comments at Dreamwidth.

elantra, photos, car, queens, technology

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