
Apr 05, 2013 02:30

New photo post! This compiles my shots from late Friday night and Wednesday afternoon. It seems that after the amazing forced perspective windows Bergdorf Goodman did to display Dior's spring line their window designers needed a break, so the current series involves just giant piles of feathers. Simpler, though to me there's also something enigmatic and even somewhat threatening about the feather piles.

Just as Bloomingdale's took its cues from Chanel for its recent Chanel displays, especially in the hair, Saks Fifth Avenue is doing their spin on the same thing. It's interesting how something similar could look so different. Personally, I prefer the Bloomingdale's face paints on the mannequins to the Saks. What do you guys think?

Though I did enjoy the Saks series that used the clothing designers' names as the mannequins' shadows. Clever.

I love this funky sphere purse by Kentshire at Bergdorf Goodman.

Since I was already in the city for a doctor's appointment within a few blocks of it, I went to the free Game of Thrones exhibition on its final day. It was a very long line but moved fairly quickly, so I only waited an hour and a half to see props, weapons, costumes, regalia, and the Iron Throne.

Some things I've learned: The crowns have a soft lining along the inside to make them more comfortable to wear. Most of the swords and metal weapons are made of aircraft aluminum (HE-15) for strength and durability. The only steel swords are the Hero ones like Longclaw, Ice, Needle, the Assassin's Dagger, and the Mountain's Sword.

Ygritte's fur getup looks much thinner and less imposing in person. Looked even crappier in my photo so I didn't post it. There was a Dany outfit I had similar problems with.

Some of my photos are on Flickr, while a few are only here. With the video games shown on Flickr, depending on how accurately you shot burning arrows at the ships, you got a ranking like You could be my bannerman or "Even cowards can serve on the Wall."

I think this armor is the Kingslayer's. They had Tyrion's armor too.

btw, I don't remember where I read it, but someone's already snarked about someone making a miniature of Tyrion.

A friend of mine immediately focused in on the Pop vinyl figures of Daenerys Targaryen, the Hound, and Khal Drogo visible in this photo.

I saw this on a random office building down a side street, 34 W. 46th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues, in Manhattan, the same block the jawless lion on my Flickr is from. Given that there's an elephant, I'm wondering if it's supposed to have something to do with Hannibal. So far my Google-fu hasn't helped me out.

It's on a side street that mostly looks like the bad old years of 70s New York City never ended, and the block was a shock, nearly a pleasant one, after seeing how much of the city's been ripped down or thoroughly made over in the last 10 years. Like how a tour guide told me in 2001 that the only reason New Orleans' French Quarter survives is that the city was too poor to rip it out and put new stuff up during the decades when much of the rest of the country was mowing old stuff down in the name of Progress. In the last decade in NYC a lot of funky stuff was ripped out in favor of putting up generic boxes of glass or thin brick. In some cases they ripped old stuff out and left a giant chunk of an entire block as a crater for years, for example a massive hole surrounded by wooden construction fences in the Flower District that's been like that for at least two years.

I have new Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Versace window photos, a few more Games of Thrones exhibition shots up, and some Rockefeller Center thangs on my Flickr account, going on to the second page. Seeing as I posted 41 photos, I haven't had the chance to put them up at my deviantArt yet.

With a Wednesday of standing in line for over an hour and then doing a lot of wandering afterward, which left me stiff and very sore by the evening, and today's physical therapy plus hauling my laundry to and from my car and in and out of buildings all by myself for the first time since badly injuring my left arm in the middle of February, I am a hurting ex-V pining for the fjords. I seriously have to take a Friday of rest.

purses and jewelry, flickr, new york city moment, photos, window displays, versace windows, left arm mystery, game of thrones, chanel windows, bergdorf goodman windows, new york city, saks fifth avenue windows, tv

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