Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

Jul 03, 2012 02:02

It's been really hot lately, so I haven't been staying out as much. Getting out now and then, yes, but then fleeing for air conditioning after shorter than usual times. I got some window display photos, some cemetery photos, and two shots of The Moving Wall when it came to Juniper Valley Park. I had no idea that a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has been touring the US for about 20 years but apparently the local veterans association did and put our town's name in a lottery to get a visit.

I really liked Dior's displays this time. Shocking! I'm a fan of this layered top too. Just for cheaper than what Dior probably charges, of course.

You can see my photos at my Flickr and my deviantArt, but these photos are only here (click on image to embiggen as usual):

First, some window display stuff.

This Burberry dress surely couldn't look flattering on anyone.

Miu Miu's aesthetic seems to be clothes you'd think a rich 12-year-old girl who loves bling might wear... but sized and intended for adult women. I don't get it. A lot of it strikes me as gauche. These shoes are even sparklier in person.

Now some Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery shots.

I've presented various shots of the foliage overgrowing and drowning this mausoleum over the years. This is a bit unusual for summer here though. That's a lot of dead stuff! If I worked at All Faiths, I'd be revving up the chainsaw and taking advantage of the opportunity.

It's summer yet I can see parts of the door!

Her remaining eye sure does look scared. This statue fell violently to earth during one of Queens' recent really bad storms. She and the column cap that used to stand there used to look like this. The rest of the fallen debris is still lying on the ground, as it has been for well over a year. I've titled this photo "I have no mouth but I must scream."


In the "products have failed me" department, I tried Clear conditioner since it's supposed to do great things for your hair starting at the scalp. It did something to my scalp, but I didn't think the burning and tenderness were an improvement so I ended up giving the conditioner to my less sensitive roommate to see if she could use it.

I also bought Sally Hansen's magnetic nail polish but didn't get anything like the strong, clear bands shown in the advertising. At best, I got some darkening in little waves in places, and that was while I had the magnet so close to my nails that some of the wet polish on my right thumbnail got on the magnet. I haven't totally given up though, because the humidity made all the polish on my nails bubble and lump up so the polish wasn't tried under normal conditions. I'll try it again in cooler, drier weather.


The Green-Wood Cemetery has asked to use one of my shots of their open mausoleum weekend for Open House New York last year for promotional materials for this year's. They're not paying for it, of course, but it's still cool so I went for it and asked if they could please open the Charles Feltman mausoleum (seen in the background of this shot) again so I can get to see it this time. Last year it was open on the Sunday I was volunteering at New York Comic Con.


I kept thinking the word "spermacide" was coming up in Garbage's "Blood for Poppies"--we're talking Shirley Manson, so it was possible--but it's actually "He's by my side." Oops.

dior windows, flickr, cemetery, green-wood cemetery, photos, garbage, nails, lutheran all faiths cemetery, music, brooklyn, new york city, hair, queens, open house new york

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