Verbiage (100moods - Prompt #35: Enraged)

Feb 26, 2010 18:10

Title: Verbiage
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Richard Alpert, mentions of Jacob and others
Prompt: #35 (Enraged) // Prompt #22 (heat) // March 27, 2010 (wild words of sorrow and wilder words of pain)
Word Count: 108
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of death.
Summary: Dear Jacob...
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
A/N: Second place winner at lost_in_108.

Dear Jacob,
Another survivor died today.

(But I don't need to tell you.)

Dear Jacob,
I wish that I was one of them.

(This goes without saying, too.)

Dear Jacob,
If you look out the window of an airplane, you'll see that everyone looks the same.

Dear Jacob,
Do you ever light fires like us? I hope you don't. I hope it's cold.

Dear Jacob,
I don't understand why we honor the heartbreaker.

Dear Jacob,
If memories can fade away, then so can I.

Dear Jacob,
No one's special.

Dear Jacob,
I don't... I don't know how to say anything else.


(My god.

I hope it's cold.)

comm: lost_in_108, fandom: lost, comm: 31_days, comm: 100moods

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