Invisible Line (100moods - Prompt #2: Amused)

Feb 18, 2010 20:56

Title: Invisible Line
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Mentions of Jacob
Prompt: #41 (Frustrated) // LOST Drabble Challenge 2010 (following)
Word Count: 108
Rating: G
Warning(s): Character spoilers.
Summary: There are several lines you can follow in life.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
A/N: This was weird to write, because there's no clear narrator here... I would have put Jacob but it didn't sound right. I think it works better this way, anyway.

Invisible Line
There are several lines you can follow in life. Straight lines. Lifelines. Guidelines.

Try all of these lines, and you'll see that straight lines lead to dead ends, lifelines will disappear when you need them, and guidelines can't help you. You'll be lost and think your life has no direction. That's not (entirely) true. You're following the invisible line, the one that traps you on a sacred island without you knowing why you're there or what will become of you. Without you knowing how special you are. That's okay. That's perfect.

So try all of these lines; follow the invisible line.

Jacob will take good care of you.

fandom: lost, comm: lostsquee, comm: 100moods

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