If I Was Someone Like You (100moods - Prompt #97: Uncomfortable)

Feb 14, 2010 19:24

Title: If I Was Someone Like You
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Richard Alpert, Jacob, mentions of others
Prompt: #97 (Uncomfortable) // LOST Quickfire Drabble Challenge 2010 (hazard)
Word Count: 108
Rating: G
Warning(s): None.
Summary: And he definitely never wanted to become ageless.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

If I Was Someone Like You
Richard never wanted to be saved, wake up to a sad man's face, and be told that he'd be all right. And he definitely never wanted to become ageless.

Richard told Jacob this, and Jacob argued that there were advantages to accepting immortality. But Richard had refused, and Jacob had given up his fight quickly. You must live with the others, then, he quickly said afterward.

Living with the others made him feel more human, at least, so he was glad to agree. Still, due to Jacob's insistent isolation after his departure, Richard couldn't help but wonder: if he were strong enough, would Jacob have let him stay?

fandom: lost, comm: lostsquee, comm: 100moods

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