Title: I Found A Way
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus, Charles Widmore, mentions of others
Prompt: Table #13, Prompt #5 (charisma) // LOST Quickfire Drabble Challenge 2010 (lurk)
Word Count: 108
Rating: G
Warning(s): None.
Summary: He was looking for someone special.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
I Found A Way
Ben spent a lot of time observing people around him, how they interacted with people, how they spoke, how well they followed commands, how they dealt with their families.
People asked him why, and he would say that he just wanted to know everyone. He asked himself, and he would say that he was looking for someone special.
He kept searching, until he saw a man always hiding behind a smile, a man always ready to use his gun if needed. This man's name? Charles Widmore.
And Ben knew he found what he was looking for; this was the man who was worthy of kneeling at his feet.