Title: Swim
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Charlie Pace, Jacob, mentions of Megan Pace and Simon Pace
Prompt: #30 (Drained) // LOST Drabble Challenge 2010 (fourteen)
Word Count: 108
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Character death.
Summary: Charlie's four, and his parents make him take swimming lessons.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.
Charlie's four, and his parents make him take swimming lessons. His instructor's eager to begin immediately.
Charlie's six, and he still isn't any good at it. His instructor says that he's got natural talent, it just takes time.
Charlie's ten, and he can swim just enough to survive if he needs to. He doesn't remember his instructor not smiling.
Charlie's fourteen, and he just doesn't care anymore. His instructor isn't worried about the lack of interest.
Charlie's twenty-eight, and he wonders if it was all worth it, because he's drowning--on the island, the home of the mysterious god who taught him how to swim so long ago.