I Hope You're Happy Now (Part 2 of 2)

May 31, 2011 23:29

Part 2

It was Thursday night and he’d made plans with an eager Jeremy to meet at the bar at Metro. He knew that this wouldn’t be somewhere that Luke and Noah frequented, so he had deemed it a safe place to begin the evening, hoping that nothing would stand in the way of it ending in his bedroom at Katie’s.

He was midway through his first beer when he caught sight of Jeremy entering the club. Damn…he really was a fine looking man…Reid’s eyes did a quick sweep of the crowded room. Yup…the best looking guy in the place from what he could see…and he wasn’t the only one who noticed. He was no Luke Snyder (damn it, where did that come from?), but he was hot as hell.

Jeremy leaned in and gave Reid a quick kiss on the cheek as he sat down, leaving Reid a little bit startled. He hadn’t felt any lips but Luke’s on his skin in a long time, so it stood to reason that it would feel a little bit awkward, right? Reid signaled the bartender, who quickly came over to refill Reid’s beer and to take Jeremy‘s drink order.

Jeremy lets his knuckles brush against Reid’s arm and he angled in to whisper into Reid’s ear.

“I’ve been waiting for you to notice me since the first day you walked into my store, Reid Oliver. You’d come in a couple of times a week in those scrubs…you must know what you in those scrubs does to a man…or those tight-ass black jeans of yours. Damn. I was coming dangerously close to just throwing myself at you.

What the hell took you so long?”

Jeremy pulled his head back a few inches and looked at Reid with blatant lust…hiding absolutely nothing.

Now this was more like it. Reid knew this dance…the steps were simple, with no chance of him accidentally stomping on anyone’s toes or tripping over his own clumsy feet. No one would be cutting in and ruining the rhythm. And if it didn’t hold the same excitement that it used to, that was hardly surprising. He’d been doing the Snyder two-step for so long…two steps forward, two steps back…that he’d forgotten that a sure thing could be just as satisfying as the one you had to court.

Reid dipped his head and looked up at Jeremy through his lashes, wearing his sexiest grin (a move he knew would have the other man eating out of the palm of his hand) and lying like a rug.

“I was…distracted…for awhile. But, let’s just say that you have my undivided attention tonight.”

Jeremy bent his head so that his face was inches from Reid’s and then he scooped in for a kiss. Reid willed himself to respond, opening his mouth to allow Jeremy’s tongue to swipe the inside of his lips, and then slipping his own tongue in Jeremy’s mouth before breaking the kiss. It was great…really…it was…it was just that they were in a public place and Reid didn’t want to create a scene. Ending the kiss so shortly after it had begun had absolutely nothing…nothing to do with the voice in his head screaming, “Not Luke! Not Luke! Not Luke!”.

Frankly, until Luke, Reid had never been a big fan of “making out”. He liked kissing as much as the next guy, but really saw it as a means to an end. With Luke, it had been different. He’d loved the taste of Luke’s breath, the feel of Luke’s soft lips on his own firm ones. He’d marveled at the way Luke’s tongue had stroked his own, massaging it tenderly, while still conveying so much desire.

Shit. He needed to stop this. He and Luke were finished…and he was taking Luke’s advice and moving on. He was looking for some action, chasing some tail, getting a piece of ass. Just like he had for so many years before…

No. He was done thinking about Luke Snyder. It was time to get this party started.

“Listen, Jeremy, why don’t we finish our drinks and go back to my place? I have a bottle of Pinot Noir that I’ve been looking forward to uncorking. Besides, it’s a little too crowded in here for what I have in mind.”

Jeremy smiled in understanding, picking up his glass from the bar and swallowing its contents in one long gulp before standing up and stretching his hand out to Reid.

“What are we waiting for, then? Lead the way.”

Reid accepted the outstretched hand and pulled Jeremy out the door of Metro and into the parking lot before walking over to where he’d parked his car.

“Do you want to ride with me or would you rather follow me in your own car?”

Jeremy pushed Reid up against the side of the car and kissed him hard.

“I’ll tell you what, Reid. Why don’t I follow you. That way, if things go the way I’m hoping they will, we won’t have to worry about you having to drive me back to get my car in the morning. I have to open the store at 10, so that will give us some extra time to have breakfast together…or whatever.

Now, let me give you a little preview of tonight‘s events.”

Jeremy leaned back in, his right hand reaching up into Reid’s hair, while his left hand caressed Reid’s side. He forced Reid’s mouth open once again with his tongue and pressed his body against Reid’s.

Reid tried to force himself to respond in kind, his mind racing. Jeremy knew what he wanted…and as luck would have it, he wanted Reid. He had a hot guy ready to jump into his bed, no questions asked. Who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? This was what he wanted, what he’d come for. He wanted sex, no emotions involved…just a hot, no-holds barred, balls to the wall fuck. Right? Right??

Fuck. No. No, he didn’t. That’s not what he fucking wanted at all.

Scarcely believing it himself, he pulled his mouth from Jeremy’s assault and gently pushed him away.

“Damn it, Jeremy. I’m sorry. You deserve better than this, but I’m going to have to call it a night. I thought I could do this…I really did. Hell, I’ve done this so many times before, it should have been a no-brainer, you know?”

Jeremy ran his hand through his black hair and shook his head.

“Uh…no, Reid, I don’t “know”. But I can guess that this has something to do with another guy. Am I right?”

Reid nodded apologetically.

“Yeah, it does. Fuck! We’re not even together anymore…and I thought I was ready to move on.”

Jeremy glanced at Reid and then reached down to pull his keys out his pocket.

“Well, to say I’m disappointed would be a gross understatement, but I guess I should be a little bit flattered that you chose me as your rebound guy. That thought’s not exactly going to keep me warm tonight, but at least it’s something.

I’m going to head home right about now. I’d give you my number and ask you to call me when you‘re ready, but I think I’ve humiliated myself enough for one night.”

Reid watched Jeremy’s retreating back until the other man had gotten into his car and peeled out of the parking lot.

Opening his own car door, Reid tried not to think about what he’d just done. Once he climbed into the leather seat, he closed the door and put his head down on the steering wheel, mentally kicking himself for being such a fucking sap.

Luke Snyder had ruined him. He couldn’t even fuck anymore. Nope. He wanted to “make love” now. That’s right…make love. And he didn’t want to do that with just anyone. He wanted to make love with Luke Snyder. The same guy who’d treated him like some kind of horn-dog just a few days ago. And not only did he want to make love to Luke, but he’d probably be satisfied if all they did was make out for the foreseeable future…because kissing Luke Snyder was, apparently, everything.

Reid was actually moaning out loud against his steering wheel when he heard a soft rap against his window. He slowly lifted his head and looked up to see two wide brown eyes staring down at him. His stomach did that little flippy thing.

Sighing, he rolled his window down unable to believe that this night actually looked like it could get worse.

“Luke? What are you doing out here?”

Luke bit his lower lip.

“I followed…I mean, I saw you come out here and then I got worried when you got into your car but didn’t drive away.

Are you okay, Reid?”

Reid rolled his eyes and blew out a long breath.

“I’m fine Luke, thank you for your concern.

Wait, were you inside the club?”

Luke looked down at his feet and nodded his head.

“Yeah. I was here with Casey and Alison. It was pretty crowded in there, so I guess you didn’t see me.

I, on the other hand, had a perfect view of you. And can I just say, “Ouch”?

Sensing that this conversation was far from over, and not wanting to be at such a ridiculous height disadvantage, Reid opened his door and stepped out of the car as Luke continued.

“I want to be angry with you for moving on so quickly, Reid, but after the things I said to you Saturday night, I can’t really blame you.

I know you probably don’t want to hear it, but I am really, really sorry. I knew better even as the words were coming out of my mouth, but I freaked out and couldn’t seem to stop myself.”

Somewhat taken aback by Luke’s admission, Reid’s face softened.

“I think I’m pretty guilty of the same thing, Luke. It was definitely one of those situations where I wanted shove the words right back into my mouth. So, I am sorry as well.”

Luke tried to force a small smile.

“I guess we both forgot to filter ourselves.

I know I have no right to ask but, who was that guy, Reid? Are you…have you and he…is he waiting for you?”

Reid shook his head slowly.

“This was our first date…and our last. I tried my damndest…or at least I though I did. I wasn’t kidding when I said that I love sex…I do…and it used to be enough to get it anywhere I could. In fact, I preferred for there to be no strings attached.”

Luke reached out a trembling hand and laid it on Reid’s arm.

“And now? Has that changed, Reid?”

Reid held Luke’s gaze for a couple of beats before replying.

“I couldn’t do it, Luke. That’s not what I want anymore. I’m afraid I’ve gotten spoiled by all the emotional stuff that came with being with you. I never even knew I needed it until I had it and then it slipped through my fingers.

So, let me introduce myself. Hi, I‘m Dr. Reid Oliver…world-class neurosurgeon and pathetic romantic simpleton.”

Luke’s thumb rubbed Reid’s arm in small circles as his eyes filled with tears.

“I was so stupid, Reid. I’m just so fucking in love with you that I was terrified for anything to go wrong…including disappointing you…you know…sexually. I thought that if I could hold you off, make you fall in love with me too, that it would be easier for you to overlook my shortcomings.

I wasn’t trying to be a dick-tease, please believe that. I just wanted you to love me first. But then, the other night, God…I wanted you so much, but when you started to undo my pants, there was this voice in my head telling me that you were going to be disappointed, that I wasn’t good enough for you. It was almost like making you wait so long just made it worse…really built up the suspense for something that was probably going to be a total letdown for you.

I’m so fucking sorry, Reid. I ruined everything and I’m so god damned sorry.”

Reid gently grabbed Luke’s face with his hands and forced him too look him in the face.

“I bet I can guess whose voice you heard telling you that you weren’t good enough. God, I don’t know how you stand that sanctimonious prick. If you never hear another word I say, hear this…everything I do with you is the best thing that‘s ever happened to me, Luke.

And…wait…hold the phone…did you just say that you’re in love with me…as in present tense, you love me right now?”

With Reid’s palms still cupping his cheeks, Luke nodded his head.

“What about Noah? I saw you two together the other day at the Java.”

Luke allowed himself a chuckle.

“Please tell me you already learned your lesson about misinterpreting what you see when it comes to Noah and me? Noah is leaving for L.A. and we were saying our goodbyes…well, we were doing a little more than that, I suppose.

Pardon my psychobabble, but Noah and I got our closure. It was about damned time we had an honest conversation, frankly.”

Reid returned Luke’s smile.

“Well…yeah…I guess I did make some assumptions. But I wasn’t angry with you. I honestly want you to be happy, Luke.

I love you enough that I would do whatever it takes to make you happy…even if that means letting you go.”

Luke threw himself forward, his lips crashing into Reid’s for a long, deep kiss, plunging his tongue into Reid‘s mouth and grinding his hips into Reid‘s. When he drew his head back, his eyes were nearly black.

“You, Reid Oliver, just told me that you love me, so I’m pretty fucking happy right about now.

What would make me even happier; however, is for you to take me back to your apartment so that we can do something about this.”

Taking one of Reid’s hands in his own, he guided it down to the bulge growing in his pants.

Reid nodded incredulously, a broad smile forming on his lips.

“Like I said, whatever it takes, Luke.”

The End.

A/N...I seriously hope this wasn't too anticlimactic. I really liked writing a short fic...but there were some limitations to the storytelling, at least for an amateur like me.

fan fiction, livejournal, atwt, luke/reid

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