Oliver's Army

Oct 19, 2011 20:55


The Chief of Staff at Trainor VA Medical Center welcomed Luke Snyder with a wide smile and a firm handshake. Dr. Joseph Santos knew an opportunity when he saw one and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that this one didn’t slip through his fingers. And, he’d be damned if he was going to let that arrogant ass, Reid Oliver, chase Mr. Snyder and his millions away.

His stomach knotted a bit as he recalled the conversation he’d had with his Head of Neurology just that morning.

”Look, Dr. Oliver, make no mistake, this is not a request. The Snyder Foundation is endowing a shit load of money to our Pediatric department, and all that is being requested in exchange is for us to allow Luke Snyder the opportunity to take a look around your unit and to spend some time with you going over what it takes to establish a state-of-the-art neurology facility.

You will do as you have been told. Let me put it this way…your job depends on it.”

Reid Oliver’s face had gone beet red, which usually meant that the source of his ire was in for a very long and bitter tirade. However, Joseph had watched as the other doctor had quickly schooled his features, the only indication of his anger being telltale clenching of his fists at his sides.

“Fine. I’ll do what needs to be done. But so help me God, if this spoiled old duffer gets in my way and compromises my ability to treat my patients…”

Joseph had raised his hands up to cut Reid off. “Dr. Oliver, I can assure you that will not be the case. Just remember your mantra: Don’t be an ass.”

Reid couldn’t hide his smirk. “Whatever, Joe. We both know that you’re not going to fire me if I don’t play nice with the donor. You’re just lucky that wife of yours keeps me in homemade chocolate chip cookies, or I wouldn’t be nearly as accommodating. How a disaster like you snagged a woman like that will forever remain a mystery.”

Joseph had known Reid Oliver since the younger man was a first-year resident and the two had miraculously become somewhat reluctant friends. Sometimes, Joseph thought of Reid as the (pain in the ass) son that he and Martha had never had. And Martha doted on the younger doctor like a mother hen…always making sure that he was properly fed and harassing her husband to make sure that Reid didn’t work himself into the ground.

But, despite their congenial relationship, Reid scared the shit out of him when it came to things like this. Joseph’s 30 years in the military hadn’t prepared him for the enigma that was Reid Oliver and there was really no telling how Reid would react once the reality of the situation hit.

Upon meeting Luke Snyder, Joseph, however, was more than pleased to note that the man was anything but an “old duffer”. This might just get interesting.

Despite the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that had plagued the military in recent years, Reid Oliver was unabashedly openly gay. As a civilian doctor, he had no need to hide who he was and to hell with anyone who didn’t like it.


“Joan, could you please have Dr. Oliver come to my office? Let him know that our guest has arrived.”

Luke looked around the beautifully appointed office of Trainor’s Chief of Staff and thought about how nice it would be to offer the incoming Chief of Staff at Memorial a comparable space. Bob had announced his imminent retirement a few weeks prior and the board had been searching for the right replacement ever since. They’d offered the position to Susan Stewart, but she had declined, saying that she had been paring down her schedule as it was to spend more time with her grandchildren.

“This is a beautiful hospital, Dr. Santos. I’m afraid that I had some completely false preconceived notions about what an army hospital would look like. I’m really looking forward to learning more about the neuro wing and seeing the facility you’ve created. We’re committed to making the new wing at Memorial a state-of-the-art unit and I’m confident that my time here will help us make that happen.

This Dr. Oliver’s reputation as the leader in the specialty precedes him and I’m excited to get his opinions and suggestions on what we can do to ensure that we’ve created a first rate facility.”

Joseph tried to hide his anxiety as he thought about the aspect of Reid’s reputation that had clearly not made it to Mr. Snyder’s ears. “Mr. Snyder, there are a few things you should know about Dr…..”

Before he could try to explain Reid’s “unique” personality, the other doctor burst into the room, clearly already agitated. His eyes flicked toward Luke Snyder, registered a quick appreciation, and then back toward his chief, rubbing his hands together.

“Here I am, My Liege. Where’s the fat cat? Let‘s get this party started.”

Joseph rose quickly from his desk and nearly shouted, trying to thwart any further insults, “Dr. Oliver, this is Luke Snyder! Mr. Snyder, as you have no doubt ascertained, this is Dr. Reid Oliver!”

Luke reached his hand out and Reid reluctantly took it in a firm handshake. “Dr. Oliver, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am very much looking forward to picking your brain for the next few days. I appreciate the opportunity to…”

Reid released his hand and cut the other man off. “Mr. Snyder, there is no need to blow smoke up my ass. I’m incredible, let’s move on. You’ve paid for my time, as it were, and I will do my best to imbue as much knowledge as your brain can accept about what is necessary to creating a worthy neurosurgery unit.”

Joseph noticed the confused and increasingly irritated look on Luke Snyder’s face and tried to diffuse the situation with some humor.

“I’m afraid our Dr. Oliver is a pragmatic man, Mr. Snyder. Not one for pleasantries, but I can assure you that he will do whatever is necessary to accommodate your needs.

Now, Dr. Oliver, why don’t you show Mr. Snyder the facility?”

Joseph Santos was kicking himself for scheduling a consultation that afternoon. He’d have felt so much better if he could have accompanied the two men, so that, at the very least, he could smooth over Reid’s jagged edges. He said a silent prayer that Reid would make some effort to be on his best behavior.

There was no question that Reid was abrasive and that Mr. Snyder would bear the brunt of some of that, but, when he put his mind to it, Reid could pepper that abrasion with just the right amount of charm. It was the very reason that they had residents and nurses clamoring to work in his unit…that and the fact that the guy truly was a genius in his field. Just working along side of him made one feel smarter almost by osmosis, and being able to count Dr. Reid Oliver as a reference opened doors that would otherwise be tightly shut.

Now, if Reid could just channel some of that charm in Luke Snyder’s direction.


“So, tell me, Dr. Oliver, what is it about me exactly that has you growling like a bear with a thorn in his paw?”

Reid Oliver stared incredulously at the man before him. It was a rare occasion that someone was so blunt, so quickly with him. Of course, spoiled rich kids could be blunt, couldn’t they? After all, the world clamored to do their bidding, regardless of whether or not they’d ever done anything to deserve it.

“Mr. Snyder, I realize that you are used to getting whatever you want…you just whip out that fat checkbook of yours and people are falling all over themselves to accommodate your every whim. However, I am not one of those people. I’m entirely too brilliant to be mesmerized by a string of zeroes on a piece of paper.

Here‘s the deal, I’m a neurosurgeon, and I have patients who almost literally stand in line hoping to get an audience with me. You simply cannot be a priority. And, I don’t appreciate being bought, Mr. Snyder. Not one bit.”

Luke’s look of surprise quickly turned to one of mirth.

Seriously? The little fucker is chuckling at me? What the hell? Is he an imbecile? No one chuckles at a Dr. Reid Oliver verbal assault.

“Consider yourself more of a ‘rental‘, Dr. Oliver. God knows, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with you long-term.”


June 19, 2011

I met with Reid Oliver today. First impression? Fuck, he’s hot as hell. But, not a hint of the gay…not that I‘d touch him with a ten-foot pole. Or with a ten-inch pole, as the case may be, because…

Second impression? He’s an insufferable ass. I wanted to kill him within the first 30 seconds. A total prick. Clearly, he’s spent his entire life with people telling him how brilliant he is…although, he’s so arrogant, he doesn’t really need anyone else‘s opinion on that score.

The next few days should be interesting.

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