I Hope You're Happy Now

May 31, 2011 15:57

Warning: NC-17 for language and suggestion

Yes, I've decided that every fic I write will take it's title from an Elvis Costello song...I'm cheesy like that.

I've been working not-very-diligently on another, short chapter-fic, and it's being mean to me, so I cooked this one up to get the creative juices flowing. It's nothing that hasn't been done, but a story I've wanted to write for a long time. The second chapter is finished, but I'm going to let it marinate a little, as I'm not sure that it's just right. None of it has been/will be beta'd, so please forgive the typos, grammatical errors and any paragraphs that are utter nonsense.

I Hope You're Happy Now

He's a fine figure of a man and handsome too
With his eyes upon the secret places he'd like to undo
Still he knows who knows who and where and how
And I hope you're happy now

Part One:

Reid Oliver didn’t have to look very far to find someone ready and willing to share his bed. He’d known that before he’d slammed the door in Luke’s face a few nights before and, as his Audi made its way to the small organic grocery store on the other side of town, he kicked himself for not having done this a long time ago.

Jeremy Whogivesacrapwhathislastnameis owned the little shop and had been dropping hints like anvils since Reid had first found the place a few months ago. Reid knew that it would take little more than a nod in the other man’s direction and he’d be in like Flynn. He’d waited long enough to be “in” someone else, and since that someone else had made it very clear that there was no vacancy, as that particular space had already been filled and would continue to be so for the foreseeable future, it was time to move along.

Luke Snyder had occupied entirely too much of his time…but no more. No, there would be no more desperate kisses, Reid Oliver holding his breath in the hopes that this time, this time would be different…that this time Luke would let nature take its course. Truth be told, he would have waited a little while longer…he truly would have…but Luke had made it abundantly clear that night that all of his waiting…past, present and future…was, is and would be in vain.

Reid pulled into the small parking lot next to the shop and closed his eyes, replaying the events of that last night with Luke in his head, hoping it would give him the fortitude to move on and do what needed to be done.


Reid gently slipped his tongue in between the pillows of Luke’s lips, almost reverently asking for entrance. Luke parted his lips in invitation and greeted Reid with his own tongue, their tips meeting and exploring.

They’d been watching a movie on Katie’s sofa and Reid had been desperately waiting for the credits to roll before he’d made his move. There had been quick, tender kisses throughout the film, and Luke’s fingers had been drawing circles in the palm of Reid’s left hand for what seemed like an excruciating amount of time. Every touch from Luke sent a current of electricity straight to the center of Reid’s body and he’d spent the last hour feeling as if he was going to ignite.

Now, as they languidly melded their mouths together, Reid felt the familiar slow burn. He’d never wanted anyone this much. He literally ached with need.

Putting one hand behind Luke’s head, his fingers delving into the thick blonde hair, and one hand under Luke’s legs, he maneuvered Luke beneath him. Reid shifted his own weight to the back of the sofa so that he could have full access to Luke’s firm, strong body. He loved to run his hands up under Luke’s shirt and feel the softness of what Reid teasingly referred to as Luke’s “fur”. He longed to feel the silky hair against his own bare chest and he prayed that tonight would be the night.

Katie and Jacob had gone to Chicago to see Katie’s mom, who was performing at the Ford Center in some musical or another. Katie had excitedly told him all about it, but Reid had tuned her out. Later, he’d had to explain to her that being gay did not automatically indicate a love for musical theater. Truth be told, it bored him…to tears.

In any case, he and Luke were finally alone…no chance of anyone walking in on them…nothing stopping them if things progressed past the making out and mild petting they’d been doing for weeks. Not a cockblocker in sight…

Reid lifted up Luke’s t-shirt so that he could dip his head and press kisses along Luke’s chest and stomach. He’d gotten this far the last time they’d been alone and the memory of it had fueled his fantasies ever since. The feel of Luke’s skin under his lips, Luke’s soft hair brushing against his nose…God how he loved this…how he loved him.

He felt Luke’s hands tenderly running through his curls before pressing against his scalp in a way that signaled Luke’s own hunger. Reid lifted his face from Luke’s tight belly and darted his tongue out to lick first one nipple and then the next, the sounds of Luke’s sighs turning him nearly inside out. Reid ran the backs of his fingers along Luke’s transplant scar, eliciting a tremble from the other man, before turning his hand over to continue down Luke’s stomach and then palm Luke’s growing erection.

“I want you Luke. Please…so much…let me…”

Taking Luke’s silence as acquiescence, Reid brought his hand up to the button of Luke’s jeans and began to open them, his mouth trailing kisses down Luke’s stomach once again. The button open, he started to slowly pull on the zipper, his heart pounding in his chest as he readied himself to finally see and touch what he’d been dreaming about since the first time he’d laid eyes on Luke Snyder.

But, suddenly, Luke was scrambling out from beneath him, pushing him away as he jumped up from the sofa, panting as he hurriedly re-buttoned his jeans. Reid got up from the sofa and moved toward Luke, his own breathing labored.

“What the hell? Are you okay?”

Luke brushed Reid’s hands away.

“I…I thought you…I told you that I needed time…you said you’d wait, that you understood.”

Reid dropped his hands to his sides and willed his eyes not to roll.

“Yeah, I did say that I’d wait. I certainly did say that. And, Luke, I have waited. We’ve been doing this dance for weeks now and I’ve tried not to put any pressure on you. Believe me, it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve been trying to give you what you need here.

But, I’m not a noble guy when it comes to sex, Luke. I like sex…no…I love sex. And, I miss it. I miss feeling a man’s body against my own. I miss the feeling of a man’s ass around my cock.”

Luke laughed bitterly.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much what I thought. You want a piece of ass and I just happen to be convenient.”

Reid threw his hands up in frustration, his jaw clenching in surprised anger.

“Are you kidding me? You can’t be fucking serious. You are convenient? You’re out of your god-damned mind.

You have to be the most inconvenient man I’ve ever tried to bed, let me tell you. You have this fucking Noah Mayer shaped wall in front of you that I can’t seem to penetrate, no matter how hard I try.

I can name 10 guys off the top of my head that are a damned sight more convenient than you are, Luke.”

(Fuck…that’s not what he’d meant to say)

Luke’s lips trembled and his eyes hardened behind unshed tears.

“Oh really, Reid? I’ll tell you what…why don’t you go fuck one of them then. How about that?”

Son of a bitch, this was not how tonight was supposed to go. He’d been planning on telling Luke that he loved him tonight. He’d known for weeks, but he had wanted to wait for the right time to say it. He hadn’t wanted to jump the gun while Luke was still so caught up in all things Noah. But, until tonight, Noah’s name hadn’t been mentioned in weeks and Reid felt like they had turned a corner in their relationship.

In retrospect, it might have been prudent to share his feelings prior to trying to unzip Luke’s pants, but he was unaccustomed to how these things work. He’d never told another man that he loved him and he’d certainly never had to deal with someone’s feelings when it came to sex.

“Listen, Reid, my Noah shaped wall and I are going to go ahead and go.

The night’s still pretty young…you probably have time to go get yourself a little something to bend over your sofa and fuck tonight, right? Because, really, I think we both know that‘s what you‘re really looking for.”

Reid was shocked to hear something so crude come out of Luke’s beautiful mouth, and the venom he heard in Luke’s voice was something new as well.

“Thanks for your thoughtfulness, Luke. I do believe you’re right.

So…yeah…get out.”


That had been Saturday night and it was now Thursday. He and Luke had not had any contact since, other than when he’d walked into Java to find him sitting with Noah Mayer, the two of them so deep in conversation, their hands entwined, that they’d never even noticed him enter and quickly exit the shop. It would seem that Luke was back where he belonged and now it was time for Reid to return to the same.

Reid sighed as he got out of his car and made his way to the front of the store. He could see Jeremy through the window and he tried to make his stomach do that flippy thing it did whenever he saw Luke. Chalking his stomach’s stubborn insistence on remaining calm and decidedly “unflippy” up to the fact that Jeremy didn’t play hard to get, so there was no need for his nerves to get jumbled, he entered the shop, the bell signaling his presence.

He watched appreciatively as Jeremy’s eyes lit up and then hooded at the sight of him.

“Dr. Oliver. It’s been a while. I’m glad you finally came back…I’ve been hoarding some of those organic bing cherries you like so much. We sold out of them on the floor yesterday. I’ll run into the back and get them for you.”

Reid tried his best to give Jeremy his most encouraging smile, which must have worked, as the other man looked back at him with eyes that registered that there was the possibility of something new happening here.

While Jeremy was in the back, Reid grabbed a few items that he need off the shelf and brought them to the front counter. He ran his fingers through his curls as he waited, feeling a little bit out of his element. It had been awhile since he’d “picked someone up” and he wondered if he’d be rusty.

When Jeremy returned with the large bag of cherries, Reid realized right away that he needn’t have worried. Jeremy was flashing him a very suggestive smile (damn…it wasn’t nearly as incredible as Luke’s) and he allowed his fingers to linger on Reid’s as he gave him the bag.

While Jeremy rang up his order, Reid took the time to give Jeremy the once-over. He was a good looking man, of that there was no doubt. His black hair fell in shiny, loose curls (although Reid preferred sandy blonde straight hair that stands straight up and then does that flopped over thing) and his green eyes were nearly jewel-toned (although Reid had a penchant for chocolate brown eyes). Jeremy’s olive skin stretched over a long, lithe frame that Reid should have found intoxicating, but, if he was honest, he really liked his men with a more peaches and cream coloring, and a little more meat on their bones. He liked a guy with a nice, broad chest, with a little hair peaking out of the top of his collar and an apple dumpling ass filling out his jeans.

Mother fucker. He needed to stop thinking about Luke if he was going to make this work.

fan fiction, livejournal, atwt, luke/reid

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