Dec 22, 2010 23:12
I fell down the basement stairs last night. I am very, very lucky that I didn't break anything or hit my head, but it hurts a lot today D:
My family keeps all of our Christmas present wrapping supplies in the basement, so I was headed down there to wrap a few last-minute items. Stupidly, I was carrying a mug of tea and a couple of cookies/biscuits and therefore wasn't holding on to the handrail. I either slipped or tripped over my cat and tumbled down the rest of the way, landing hard on the concrete floor. The tea flew all over the place, but the mug survived unscathed!
Almost immediately, I jumped up and began walking around the room, both to deal with the pain and to make sure I hadn't broken anything. Everything seemed to be in working order, but I realized I was getting lightheaded and was about to pass out. I hate admitting it because it makes me sound like a stuffy Victorian lady, but I faint rather easily. Sometimes it's from obvious things like giving blood or getting a shot, but sometimes it's from really stupid things like breaking a wine glass. Seriously, that happened. "Oh no! I dropped the wine glass! I'd better clean up the..." *faints* My body likes to overreact. The one good thing about fainting all the time is that I've learned how to prevent it if I feel a swoon coming on. I laid down on the couch in the basement and breathed deeply until I felt OK. Then I went and found the cookies, brushed them off, and ate them to get my blood sugar back up. Even though they had been on the basement floor. Yes, I am gross.
Afterward, I cleaned up the tea, then went and wrapped the presents. It wasn't until about an hour later that I realized that the elbow I had landed on was swollen and bruising. Several muscles were also starting to ache. I went to bed, aware that it was going to hurt a lot more in the morning.
Oh, and in case you were wondering where my mom and step-dad were during all of this, it happened around midnight and they were already asleep. I guess I didn't fall noisily enough to wake them up.
It is indeed very painful today. I'm having trouble lifting one of my legs, so I'm sort of hobbling around the house. I still don't think I'm hurt any worse than major bruising and some pulled muscles, though. Again, I consider myself very lucky. Spending Christmas with my arm in a cast would have sucked balls.
real life