boostlethon Fic!

Dec 20, 2010 02:47

So, I'm not entirely happy with this story. It really could have used a few more re-writes, but I was literally finishing it at the last minute. In fact, I turned it in about seven minutes after it was due. And yes, I received my prompt back in October. I'M BUSY OK.

As you may have realized from the title, it's meant to be to be an homage to Dickens' A Christmas Carol. But only the Ghost of Christmas Future appears. I was originally going to have all three ghosts (Past was a young Ted, Present was fat Ted), but I realized I wasn't going to have time to write all of that and the ending was the strongest part anyway. I hope it still makes sense! arch_schatten did a quick beta for me (THANK YOU MINA) and said it was OK. I trust her opinion.

I hope the recipient likes it. It's my story and I'm sticking to it :P

Title: A Boostle Carol
Author: vigilante_wake, a.k.a. me
Recipient: abarero
Rating: PG
Prompt: Ted/Booster. A Christmas Carol story in which Ted or Booster (you can pick) has lost the spirit of Christmas and the other helps them remember it.
Summary: Booster meets the Ghost of Christmas...IN THE FUTURE!

Fake cut to the story!

blue beetle, booster gold, christmas, fic

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