(no subject)

Oct 23, 2009 00:56

Ugh. I thought I would start out by apologizing for not posting in so long, but then I decided that would be arrogant because I very much doubt that anyone was sitting at their computers, refreshing their friends pages with bated breath going "My God! When will Wake post again?!" However, if anyone was worried about me, I am sorry. I've been fine health-wise (except for a bout with the stomach flu a few weeks ago), just extremely busy with work and school. I'm taking a full class load this quarter (the first time I've done that since I began going to community college) on top of working 36 hours a week. Add on driving time (my school is about an hour away from where I live), homework, hanging out with my family or my boyfriend, and the the time I spend de-stressing by watching tv or reading comics and you can see why I've been such a non-presence on LJ.

I use too many parenthetical clauses.

Anyway, I promised people on Skype that I would do a "My Unsolicited Opinions on DC's Whatever Month Solicitations." So, without further ado (and only four days late!), here's...

It's a new year for the DCU! Let's check it out together.

In lieu of shipping an issue of Blackest Night in January, DC is "resurrecting" several several canceled series. Suicide Squad is really the only one I'm interested in, mostly because it part 1 of a two-part series to be continued in...

Catman: a friend to lions, but apparently not to tigers. The word is still out on bears.

Speaking of Blackest Night tie-ins, why is Hal Jordan like 60 on this cover? Isn't that his Parallax costume? I'm so confused.

From the solicitation text: "Witness the fury of Guy Gardner - Red Lantern! But what horrible attack on the Corps would fuel Guy's rage? And how can anyone save him from the grip of the crimson fury?"

I wonder if this is how they'll get Guy and Ice back together? Only her love can save him! Or something.

In the final issue of Cry for Justice, DJ Prometheus drops some mad beats!

I am so white it's embarrassing. Let's just forget about that and move on.

Superboy vs. dinosaurs? APPROVED!

Moving on to some Bat-related titles...

Stephanie's expression looks like she was caught doing something naughty, which, considering Damien in only 9, is kind of creepy.

Knight and Squire? APPROVED!

A new Sam Kieth Batman mini? I am optimistic. Also, I am surprised that Batman Confidential lasted 40 issues.

*sigh* I miss twelve-year-old Japanese Toyman. Curse you, Geoff Johns!

Plastic Man's, uh, Plastic Signal? APPROVED! Totally the best one. I saw someone else suggest that Aquaman's signal looks like a pair of pants.

Why is Superman wearing a spacesuit? NOT APPROVED!

Just when you thought Tiny Titans couldn't get any more adorable...

I don't really have anything to say about this, just thought it was a cool cover. Vast improvement over December's zombie bondage.


BTW, something about not having time to write makes apparently makes me want to write again. You may be seeing some more gender-switched Earth fic soon. I know I've said that before, but I mean it this time. Really baby, I can change! I promise!

solicitations, school, comics, real life, work

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