"And now the triumphant return of a great American!"

May 24, 2007 00:45

This took place just a few minutes ago:


Me: (bewildered) What?

Mom: It smells like dope in here!

Me: I don't have any!

That's true! I don't smoke. And I think ex-hippie Boomers like my mom are the only people who call marijuana "dope" anymore.

Anyway, I went to join her in the back hallway and it did smell like pot. We wandered around my bedroom and hers for several minutes, sniffing. We eventually decided that the smell was coming from outside, but from who or where exactly we didn't know.

My house is perhaps being haunted by a stoner ghost?

UPDATE: My mom got up again while I was typing this. She claimed that the smell was dissipating. After more discussion, we came to the conclusion that some neighborhood teens were smoking in our yard because there's a big dark spot. I often pass the pot-smoking kids on my walks around the block, so this seems logical.

Perhaps I'll pull a CSI and see if I can find any joint-butts in the yard tomorrow.

* * *

I had an, uh, interesting dream the other night. As a civilian, I was being evacuated from my town by the military because of a zombie attack (on average, I have about one zombie dream a month). I was waiting in line for transport with the other refugees and the guy beside me kept bitching about the situation. I turned to him and said "Look, at least you have pants."

It was at that point I realized that I wasn't wearing any pants. I had on a long t-shirt that I was yanking down in an attempt to cover myself.

"Dude! That sucks!" said my companion. "And you're only wearing a thong too!"

It was true. I was wearing underwear, but it was a thong : (

* * *

I got out of my geography class about 10:00 PM last night. On my way out of the building, I heard a rustling noise. I looked over and a big, fat raccoon popped out of the trash can! It continued to sit their, eating something it found in the trash, oblivious to, or perhaps in spite of, my classmates and I passing by and making noise. I tried to take a picture, but it was too dark.

Also, after seeing a bunch of de-nested baby birds around, I've decided that fledgling starlings look like the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal.

* * *

The title of this post comes from my latest favorite children's cartoon, Kappa Mikey! It's about an out-of-work actor from Cleveland (OHIO REPRESENT!) who goes to Japan to be on a popular anime called LilyMu. Now, I know you're saying "How can an actor be on an anime?" Well, keep in mind that Mikey is a cartoon, so...it sort of makes sense. The cool thing about this show is that Mikey is animated like a typical Western cartoon, while the Japanese characters are done anime-style. The cast of LilyMu includes a Pikachu rip-off and a Dragon Ball-Z-type villain. Mikey wears an American superhero-style costume, with the cape, tights, mask, etc. It's really cute!

Most of Kappa Mikey is about what goes on behind the scenes at LilyMu, though. The episode I watched today was about the producer, Ozu, getting fired by his brother, Bro-zu (heh), who starts a dance club. The climax is a dance-off between Mikey and Bro-zu. A random doctor yells "I've never seen a such a case of dance fever!" while another character says "You can't beat Bro-zu! He's the Lord of the Dance! THE LORD!"

Well, I think it's funny anyway.

Also, Kappa Mikey has a kick-ass theme song. If this show and Teen Titans Go! have taught us anything, it's that cartoon theme songs should be done by Japanese pop groups.

animals, dreams, real life, mysterious smells, cartoons

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