"I'm so lonely...I'm Ms. Lonely...Got nobody...to call my own! Woooo!"

May 25, 2007 02:37

I woke up with a horrendous headache this morning and decided that the easiest thing to do would be to just go back to sleep. I was awakened again around 1:00 PM by my mother. I eventually got up and took Excedrin, but I could still feel the headache lurking in the shadows of my head. It wasn't gone; it was just biding its time.

It became pretty clear that I'm coming down with something. I suspect meningitis, but my mom says not to be so melodramatic.

I went back to sleep around 9:00 PM and had some bizarre dreams where I thought I had woken up, but I really hadn't. I was beginning to think of the Curse of Eternal Waking that Dream put on that evil magician guy in the first volume of Sandman. I said to my dream-self "Dude, we've got to wake up for reals!" So my dream-self began slapping herself in the face and boxing her own ears until I really woke up. It was weird.

I'm feeling a bit down because I haven't been out of the house all day. *sings* "All. By. MyseeeeEEEeeeeEEeelf!"

Anyway, here are some inter-web things that cheered me up:

Cookin' With Cap!

How to make apple pie - Captain America style!

Free the Vertigo Three!

And, this is more of a general link, but Wil Wheaton's blog is awesome! It's no secret that I had a huge crush on Wesley Crusher when I was a kid. Evil Ex-Boyfriend Jake used to refer to Wesley as "Your Star-Trek boyfriend" whenever we watched reruns of TNG. Now, I like Wil Wheaton for entirely different reasons. He writes about things like funny stuff his son said or birds building a nest under his porch. He's so sweet! And sometimes he talks about voicing Cosmic Boy on the new Legion cartoon. I'll have to start watching it now.

This week's comics were really good. I hope to scan and post a few things soon. For now...

What I Learned From Comics This Week

From The Spirit #6: Punk music is evil! Blue rocks from space will get you high! Also, next month's cover features The Spirit in swim trunks! Yummy!

From Hellblazer #232: Sometimes, former insane asylums get turned in to casinos. That's kind of funny. In Athens, we turned our former insane asylum in to art studios!

From Wonder Woman #9: Nemesis is a perv. Also, Jodi Picoult may know nothing about continuity, but she's still a fun writer. Lay off, people!

From Birds of Prey #106: Giving someone a "purple nurple" is an acceptable fighting technique during a meta-human battle. All Female furies are bisexual, even those who have married male escape artists.

From Robin #162: Drugs are bad, m'kay? Timmy is so Bruce's mini-me it hurts.

From Countdown #49: Jimmy Olsen is a moron, but he's a cute moron. "Red Arrow" isn't in history books in the 30th Century. This worries me. Also, Roy? Karate Kid has not seen Karate Kid. Your pop culture witticisms are lost on him.

From Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #30: Okay, I didn't really learn anything, but Mark Waid is a fantastic writer and I'm thinking about dropping this book now that he's gone. I haven't read any comics by up-coming writer Tony Bedard, but he's made some comments online that lead me to believe that he's an ass.

From She-Hulk #18: Jen Walters knows how to deal with slimy ex-lovers. I need to take lessons from her.

comics, things i have learned, real life, pie, links, dreams, sickness, star-trek, bad singing

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