I've been really enjoying reading all the fan reports from Yamapi's solo cons, since by all accounts they sound absolutely amazing. Apparently he has really thought of how to make all the people attending his concerts enjoy themselves, and then there are the special touches, like serenading some lucky girl from the audience with "Moon Light" each concert, plus all the special guests that come visit him.
Which brings me to today's concert, where Akanishi Jin was a guest. They sang "ETERNAL", a song that had been written and composed by Jin for a friend's wedding as a duet, and it's really very pretty. Luckily there is a fan recording of it available, since it's never going to be available on any official format since it's a gift to a friend.
The YT clip of the song actually made me hunt for a freeware program that would convert .flv files into .mp3s. After a couple of tries, I finally found a program called Get Tube which allows you to directly save stuff from Youtube and choose whether to save it as a video file (various format) or as an .mp3 file. Yay. That is sure to come handy in the future :).
Random: I've suddenly been on a major Superfly kick. I heard a sample of her latest song in the Music Station with Yamapi & Jin and really liked what I heard, so I had to check out the full song as well. It's really catchy and earwormy, and I very much like Ochi Shiho's voice. And I hadn't realized before that she was also the performer for the BOSS theme song that I liked a lot.
Superfly - "Dancing on the Fire"
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Superfly - "Alright!!"
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