My brother is a musician. He's been struggling to find himself and to make his music for the past several years. His music has gotten better and better over the years, as he went through some very tough times. Addictions, bad relationships, family drama, and living on his own as a starving artist in Philadelphia. He has formed into a very talented artist, and I say this as both a loving sister and as a music lover.
Recently he released a new EP, a short 6 songs which are better than anything he's ever produced. The songs are crisp and catchy and they speak from his experiences. One song in particular struck a chord for me. Fifty five. I first listened to it and I cried. For years I have watched my intelligent and talented father slowly killing himself and destroying his brain cells with alcohol and drugs. No matter how I have tried to express my distaste and my worry for him, no matter how many reasons I give him to love his life, he still clings to his vices. He feared becoming his father, and is blind to the fact that he nearly has.
All the things I've wanted to tell him, my brother put into this song. I thanked him for making it. The tone of the song is perfect for the things expressed (sounding like a horror movie in a song).
One particular line makes me tear up every time I listen to it. A specific problem in our family, which has haunted me my entire life is referred. And the words confront our family, and my father's specific denial.
My brother spoke for me when I could not. He made this song for me, and that act makes me realize how blessed I really am to have a little brother who cares so much. It's been years since we have been this close, and I am so happy that we have grown as close as we once were as children. Because I realize that no one really knows me like he does. He is my best friend <3
Get the EP here ------->