Save You by Kazbaby, commentary by cozzybob

Jul 12, 2010 19:04

Title: Save You
Vidder: kazbaby
Fandom: Farscape

Commentary By: cozzybob

Alrighties, I'm also posting commentary on bradcpu's vid "So Whatcha Want" tonight as well, but YouTube is being a bitch again, so... ack! Apologies ahead of time. Also--I hope I covered this well enough. There's some details I think I forgot to mention, and I'm not sure how clear I am, here. But I have posted~! *puts on brave face*

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Hey there. I'm Cozz and I'm going to comment on Kazbaby's vid called "Save You." I'm gonna try to be really quick about this because it's a very complicated vid, and there's really a lot going on, here.

Basically, this is about three characters, that would be Stark, John and Zhaan. And Kazbaby is kind of showing you the complications and the chaos that happens between these two characters [Stark and John] in the series. Basically, John is inadvertently responsible for Zhaan's death... this happens when John accidentally kills Aeryn, and he doesn't do this on purpose or even aware, it just happens because of complications with Scorpius. Zhaan rescues Aeryn from death at the risk of her own life, and ends up dying, and Stark is destroyed by this. Stark's scene here, at the :50 to the minute mark, we see Stark's reaction to Zhaan's death. It's a very good way of showing kind of what happened in the series, which is after Zhaan's death, because she was the polarization and the moral compass for the show, um, it descended into some serious darkness. And I don't think Stark ever really forgave John for that, but that's kind of what this vid is about too, is forgiveness and anger and guilt and all that.

Anyway, we're zooming into season 4 here with the episode "John Quixote," and basically John gets trapped into this game cube and he has to find his way out, and to kiss the princess, but... he needs help, and the avatar of the game is Stark, and fans call him Avatar Stark because he's much different,.really, than the Stark that we know and love, I mean he's a lot darker... this version of Stark is very angry with John, and he really want John to escape. So basically, Stark's goal here is to trap John in the game, that way his life will be miserable too.

More or less, these clips are showing... actually, I should mention, it's a very brilliant move here, because with every dark or otherwise violent clip she shows, she also shows a clip with Zhaan, and I think that's a very good move, because what it does, is... every time there's a violent act, there's also a clip of Zhaan, showing that the hurt between them is centered around her, and she is still the polarization between these two characters, and the reason why so much as gone into such a huge, downward spiral.

Stark, again, I should mention, although it's pretty obvious in these clips, he's kind of a mad character, he's very insane, and it's not necessarily his fault, he's just had a really hard past. Zhaan was the first one that Stark could approach without descending into that madness again, that darkness that he has. And she was both gentle, but she had her own darkness, and she kind of understood where Stark was coming from. I think she was the first to really do that. But John came along, Zhaan died, blah blah blah.

Anyway, we're at the 3:20 minute mark, and I love, love, love, love that clip with the white light. Basically, the lyrics are saying "Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't touch me," and pretty much exactly what their relationship is like. John, John is very touchy-feely, John is, and he doesn't stay away from anyway, I mean he really likes getting involved in people's problems and trying to solve them, he's a problem-solver. But Stark, he doesn't like people being near him. In fact, the first scene we ever see him in, he's "Your side, my side, your side, my side," he's very famous for that, and basically what he's always saying in those instances is "Stay the hell away from me." The only one, I think that really got close to Stark was Zhaan, with the exception of John, through complications, and after her death, he just... he... never really recovered from it. John also never really forgave himself for it, and that's really what this vid is showing, is that they both experienced a lot of guilt and a lot of chaos and a lot of anger, as a result of all these actions.

But at the end, there was forgiveness, because we see John with Zhaan, Stark with the flower (which you'll see in a second), and that's kind of what it is, it wraps up very, very nicely.

I'm gonna, you know, stop babbling now, it's almost over. Thank you so much, Kazbaby, I really appreciate this vid. Thank you. Bye.

vid commentary, [vidder] kazbaby, [author] cozzybob

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