Title: So What'cha Want
bradcpuFandom: House MD
http://bradcpu.livejournal.com/106213.html#cutid1 Commentary By: cozzybob
Okay, sorry about talking so fast here, there was a lot to cover... so much so, that I believe to really appreciate all the things that go on in this vid, you need to watch it more than once. I also hope I managed to make sense... err. Hee! Thanks a lot, Brad, I hope this lives up. I know it's fast, but the love is all there. *glomp* :D
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Hey there, I'm Cozz, and I'm gonna comment on Brad's vid, "So Whatcha Want." It's a House vid, the latest in his House vid series, and I'm gonna try to be really quick about this, because there's a lot going on, and there's only 2 and a half minutes to really kinda go into depth here.
Basically, it's about House, Wilson, Amber and Thirteen during that one crazy season where Amber dies (sorry, there's a spoiler alert there, but it's true), and basically these beginning clips are kinda just rolling along, introducing the general sense of the season, and I even believe there's a clip in there with the bowling ball rolling along, which, you know, it goes to show the very... genius level of visual communication Brad has, I mean, I know that's a lot of praise to take in, but he really does have very strong visual communication in his work, and all of his clips, especially shown in the methods their shown in, are shown that way for a reason.
Anyway, there's the :50 mark, it mentions revelations, and that's when we find Thirteen, and she has this this revelation about her disease. And there's a lot of interesting ways of showing the clips there, I mean some of the clips are in black and white, some of them are in really intense color, and it's kind of showing the chaos that's going on at this point in the season. Because it's kind of a warning sign. After Thirteen has this revelation, things start spiraling out of control.
House wants to get in on this relationship with Amber and Wilson, but he's alone, and he doesn't like being alone, and then there's this thing, kind of with Amber... and so he gets kind of drunk, Amber meets him on the bus, and you see the bus there a couple times, and you kinda know what's happening, but, you know, you're still not ready for it, because while... it's just... it's spiraling out of control. House doesn't like being alone, but he is alone, and there's danger, and you know something bad is going to happen.
And thus, it does, with--the bus hits, and Amber, you know... has this thing [ack, incoherent, sorry], there these clips of... sorry, hands letting go or releasing--that's very strong subconscious communication there. Basically, I think what Brad's trying to say here is that House let go of Amber's hand, but he wants it to register... you know, subconsciously, he doesn't really want you to realize that's what happened, but, you know, that's kind of... really what I think is being communicated here.
After that, things really just get into chaos, and there's light clips, there's dark clips, there's crazy... you know, there's a lot of, you know, regrets, and yeah that's it.
I'm gonna go away now. Thank you so much, Brad. Love ya, bye.