Nov 27, 2013 23:51
So I haven't updated in a few days. I've been tired, plus terribly busy for some reason. Jason came into town on Monday so I spent a lot of time with him. He stayed the night over here with all of us on Monday night, and then Tuesday we went with him up to his parents' place about an hour away for Thanksgiving dinner. That's my second Thanksgiving so far, the first being with Rachel's family in DeSoto. Tomorrow I'm going with Tony to his family's Thanksgiving, Phil is cooking Thanksgiving tomorrow evening, and at some point I'm probably going out to dinner with my mom and grandparents. SO MUCH FOOD.
Anyway, Jason brought his adorable new puppy with him so I got photos of her, which I will get up soon... along with the last two months worth of photos I haven't put up yet. :/
Also, my pills aren't $9300 for a pill... it's for a box of 28 pills. That's quite a fair bit better than I was thinking. Still outrageous, but nothing like $300,000 a month! I'm not having many, if any side effects yet. I am a bit more tired, but I can hardly tell because I'm always tired anyway. It also appears that my blood sugar might be rising, but I was told to monitor it so right now it's not an emergency and I'll continue to keep an eye on it. I've also had ridiculous amounts of migraines this week, but that started before my medicine so not sure what's up with that. Probably the air pressure - it's been bad around here lately.
As for my poor mom, she got out of the hospital a while ago and came home with my grandmother to find all of their stuff on the driveway of my aunt's apartment, and the code to the garage locked. My mom has hardly talked to me since... she must be really stressed. I am disgusted and outraged at my aunt's treatment during a year like this for my mom and I. She is a cruel, horrible person. I wanted to believe otherwise but now I'm convinced. I feel so bad for mom - she's had such a terrible time, not to mention Jinx was honestly more her cat than mine so it hit her hard too. -___-
I got his little pawprints and hair tufts back from Banfield. I gently baked the clay so that it set and can't be ruined (so long as it's not dropped) and put it in my special box of stuff, which is mostly stuff of Kian's/stuff from my pregnancy, but now has Jinx things in it. I also found one of his whiskers that I set on a dresser in my room several months ago and forgot about... and somehow it was magically still there. So glad I inadvertently kept that. <3
I'm so grateful for so much this Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for the kitties I have left, the other two families I now have (Erika/Phil/Kian, and Tony's family), for a whole ton of things. I have a place to live, wonderful doctors, an amazing fiance.... I just couldn't be happier. Not to mention my friends, which are the best friends anyone could ever have, I'm quite sure. I love you all, you know who you are. :)
Anyway, I'll cut this short. Meme time.
10 facts about my room
9 facts about my family
8 facts about my body
7 facts about my childhood
6 facts about my hometown
5 facts about my best friend
4 facts about my parents
3 facts about my personality
2 facts about my favorite thing
1 fact about the person I like
4 facts about my parents
Honestly I could remember more negative things than positive, especially about my dad, but I'm going to make this positive.
1. My dad is very, very mechanical and is very talented at fixing things, hence why he has kept a job working at Olathe's hospital for the past 25 years or longer working as a mechanic (and is now the boss). My mom was the opposite, couldn't fix or put together anything, but she's very artistic and a beautiful writer. I got a little of both of them... obviously I am artistic, but I also enjoy putting things together and can figure out how to fix things sometimes. I recently put together a somewhat complicated set of shelves I bought at WalMart. I was successful, except the top shelf I put on.... backwards. >.> A little of both there too, I guess X)
2. My mom was an ER nurse for about 11 years when I was a kid. That's where I kind of get my medical knowledge from. She's that person that everyone goes to for medical advice. That being said, I've heard many ER horror stories. Le sigh.
3. My dad, although abusive, did do fun things with me growing up, including playing video games and playing hockey in the living room with my tiny plastic golf clubs. He also put a pool up in the backyard most summers. I want to say that although the negative outweighs the positive, at least sometimes he tried.
4. My mom is a pastor's daughter, and her grandfather (on the other side) was also a pastor, so we have a lot of Christianity in our family. It is predominantly Nazarene, but I don't pay attention to that anymore... If you love God, and accept Jesus, you are a Christian to me. That being said, I think it's pretty cool that we have pastors in our family, and my grandfather is brilliant about Bible knowledge.