Gah so I woke up to this this morning. :|
Yea that's Wookie on the bottom. I honestly felt a little part of me die inside when I looked and saw this. >.> The quality is terrible because I couldn't use flash and it was too dark for a photo, but I got it to show the jist of the image by using Photoshop :P
Also, if you're wondering WTF Chloe's doing, she's in the beginning stage of a yawn. X)
Anyway, meme continuance.
10 facts about my room
9 facts about my family
8 facts about my body
7 facts about my childhood
6 facts about my hometown
5 facts about my best friend
4 facts about my parents
3 facts about my personality
2 facts about my favorite thing
1 fact about the person I like
7 facts about my childhood
1. I was homeschooled. My mom did a great job, but I think I should have gone to high school because I would have grown up a little faster instead of going through my "high school days" in my 20s. Also, this led to me being very socially awkward until the last few years because I didn't know how to interact with people and I was insanely shy. Thankfully, getting into the journalism program at college helped me overcome that. I'm still very reserved and prefer not to talk to strangers, but I don't have social anxiety as much. That being said, I have CROWD anxiety, but that's a different story.
2. I had two birds growing up, a budgie and a lovebird. The lovebird was the sweetest little bird and would curl up in your neck and sleep. The budgie wasn't so sweet, but my little 7-year-old mind turned him into the "king of the universe" and I lavished him constantly. The details are a bit freaky honestly, so I'll just stop here. I was highly OCD and repeated things over and over and that ties into it.
3. Apparently my favorite thing to say when I was a toddler was "What is dat?" about everything.
4. My parents took me out to eat when I was like 1 or 2 and decided it would be funny to hand me a lemon and see my face when I bit it. I proceeded to eat the whole wedge with delight. I still do this. I love sour things for some reason.
5. I went through phases of animal obsessions. I think my first one was horses, then I went to chickens, kangaroos, bats (which turned into a hatred?), dinosaurs and birds (which turned into a true obsession which I still retain slightly to this day) and finally back to horses. I still have animal obsessions, but they're steady now - horses, cheetahs, foxes, wolves, cats, dogs and most African animals.
6. I fell off the sofa when I was about two and landed on my head on a tile floor, and apparently had seizures. My parents had to call the ambulance. I don't remember any of it. I also have a scar on my chin from falling onto the brick fireplace and my tooth went through my lip. Don't remember any of that either.
7. My very first semi-clear memory is of me sitting on GINORMOUS plastic dinosaurs at a local Gordman's store. I've always had a very fond memory of those GIANT dinosaurs, which felt like I was 20 feet in the air and I was above everyone in the world. I'm betting those things were only four or five feet tall. I'll never know, but my memory of them is almost life size. X)
Gotta go do things, busy busy tonight :3