Hard to Break

May 29, 2009 16:07

1. What bad habits do you have?
Do I have to list them all? That would be depressing. I'm only going to name a few.
  • I'm far too fond of sweets.
  • I have a very bad temper.
  • I'm quick to take sides, and quick to judge.
  • I have a hard time listening to other people's opinions.
2. What bad habit would you most like to break?
Honestly? The one about sweets. The other things aren't particularly nice, but they usually serve me well. I can't afford to be all sweetness and light all the time.

3. Have you ever overcome any bad habits? What were they?
I've managed to go one and two-thirds pregnancies without chocolate mostly. It hasn't been easy, and I don't intend to try and keep it up when it's no longer necessary for the welfare of the twins. And I think I'm doing better at not arguing with people who claim to want advice when all they want is to be coddled.

And I now, from time to time, admit that I'm not perfect.

4. Do you have any habits other people consider bad that you rather like about yourself? What are they?
People probably think I overindulge my children, or that I'm too quick to help people who "ought to help themselves", or that I'm not willing to give many second chances to the same person. But people who think these are bad things can go jump in a lake.

A scummy cold one.

5. What habit annoys you most in other people?
Refusing to listen. If I'm going to go out of my way to help somebody, especially somebody who has asked for help (or is at least complaining about something publicly), they ought to at least respect me enough to listen. If they don't want to take my advice, that's their right. But they ought to listen.

Also, I really don't like smokers. Smoking is so disgusting.

friday 5

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