Oct 04, 2009 19:06
For the few of you who pass by (DON'T LIE, I KNOW SOME OF YOU DO!) sorry I haven't blogged about anything at all lately. I'm just always so tired from uni, and if not uni, it's work or job-hunting.
I know blogs can sometimes suck when you try to describe something and you don't have pics to go along with it. I'll try to add a few more pictures in later blog entries so you guys know what the heck I'm on about ... plus it adds interest, yeah? haha. Oh who am I kidding.
Last week (so I remember: 2nd Oct) I started volunteer work at Salvos, Canley Heights. It's pretty good stuff, and I guess I could grab some sort of referees for my resume later on if I'm lucky. Walking through the store, I'm pretty glad such a store exists, cos honestly ... I don't know where lower-class families would end up at without some of the odd things you can find around here. Surprisingly you can find tonnes of good knick-knacks like glasswear and books, but don't forget - they have heaps of clothing - albeit second-hand. I haven't bought anything myself, but I did come across some weird chinese dresses that looked as though they'd just popped straight out of those 17th century dramas.
The people who are uniformed and are paid to work there were awesome people - I kinda wish my old Boss was like that really, but hey you can't have everything! Surprisingly, aside from Jason, Seal, ThiCam, Rosanna and myself, there seems to be only another 1-2 volunteers (checked in the sign-in book). The rest of the people there were actually on community service of some sort, haha. Not that they're bad people! Wouldn't have expected it either - they all seemed like such awesome guys to hang around with.
On a more interesting note, do any of you guys watch CommunityChannel on youtube? Yesyes, nerdy little hung didn't touch her videos until he accidentally stumbled on them about a month ago. Ahh if you don't, you should give her a try - she's pretty funny! Her pet peeves remind me of things I often think about but never really discuss! Something that'd make me laugh quite a bit would be if she had a video on public toilets or something. Wouldn't mind watching that, haha.
Anyway, shower time + work! I'll come back and blog again soon, hopefully. I'd be more willing to if my blog didn't look like a piece of crap though lol. Someone teach me how to make a layout already! x]
Take care, guys. Study well. I don't end til 13th Nov and I'll see you, then!
P.S. If I accidentally ever call myself Liam, leave me alone! I use that name at work, just so you know. It gets really irritating when I say "Hung" and they say "Wha-?" about 3 times before they get it. Argh. I'll always be HUNG around you, so don't you worry ;)