Shizuo and Relationships

May 22, 2010 13:30

Heiwajima Shizuo other aliases: none
gender & age: 24, male
blurb: Ikebukuro's avatar of violence

Celty Struluson
BFF. Shizuo loves Celty and, while he respects her ability to take care of herself, is perfectly happy to trounce anyone on her behalf. Will be honest about most of his thoughts and feelings with her, listen to her about whatever she might want, and basically lend her a hand in whatever way he is able.

Nice kid, possibly from another world? Will keep an eye on her if she's in his vacinity. Needs to pay her back for the handkerchief.

Jack Ruseell
Hyperactive kid, apparently now they are friends, which mostly is confusing and doesn't really change how Shizuo will treat him but possibly how bad he will feel if he hurts the kid on accident.

Shirley Fennes (Sharri)

Polite, cute, kind of air headed but not stupid. Has healing magic. From another world where magic is called 'Eres' and only some people can use technology.


Foreigner from somewhere where they speak Arabic. Shizuo's pretty fuzzy on the middle-east, which is to say, oblivious. But he mostly thinks this guy looks like he's from Aladdin or some shit. Seems nice enough. Requires a lot of explaining of things but isn't slow, so Shizuo doesn't mind.




Japanese highschool girl, from some place called Inaba. Doesn't seem to like it there. Kind of quiet.


Strong enough to kick him to his senses and survive having a bench thrown at her. Even though she didn't specifically annoy him too bad, he'll avoid her anyway. Is even less comfortable with trying to kill tiny highschool girls than he is with his usual issues. Has medical magic.


Annoying but sort of okay brat who unfortunately pissed him off and got beat up but fortunately is tough as nails so seemed to come out of it okay. Likes her alright but will avoid her so she doesn't get her ass kicked again.

Nice guy, gave him a cigarette and didn't piss him off.


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